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I am trying to create a mod for myself that changes the starting radius of the buried supplies quest but its not working, can anyone help



    <append xpath="/quests">
        <quest id="tier1_buried_supplies" >
            <property name="default_radius"  value="3" />
    <append xpath="/quests">
        <quest id="tier2_buried_supplies" >
            <property name="default_radius"  value="3" />
    <append xpath="/quests">
        <quest id="tier3_buried_supplies" >
            <property name="default_radius"  value="3" />



I put that but does not work, I got the structure from a mod maker but could not get that mod maker to work properly so kind of guessed how it should be.


What am I doing wrong, surprised there is not  a mod out there that does this already.


Thanks for you help

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Your syntax is not correct.  Append is adding those lines (and it is not adding in the right location).  What you want is set


<set xpath="/quests/quest[@id='tier1_buried_supplies']/objective[@type='TreasureChest']/property[@name='default_radius']/@value">3</set>


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