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Which blocks/placeables/building mechanics do you most want to see in the game that aren't already in it?


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I've been loving the new expanded build system, and it seems almost perfect now. But it also feels like the holes that remain are even more glaring, in a way, as I try to build myself some beautiful structures. I'm sure I'm not alone! So what do you all want to see in game that isn't already in in terms of blocks and how they're placed?

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Personally, here's my current wishlist:



Gentle curves - When your trying to make ramps and inclines, the 4 minimal slope blocks are great, but what would be even better is a variant that had a slight curve to it so you didn't have to deal with random sharp edges at all.

Cots - We can, as far as I can tell, place big beds but not small ones! So strange, since they definitely exist out in the world.




Electric stoves

Electric furnaces too

Beds that actually function as spawn points and let us set the spawn without having to pick it back up and put it back down.


Better glass blocks/glass paint - Right now, the glass blocks we can place are super see-through, unbelievably so. And honestly I feel like what needs to be done is to give us a few different "paints" for glass that lets us alter the dirtiness/opacity/lets use use those window blocks by putting actual glass-looking stuff in them! It would be fine if the paint actually took a special "glass paint" or something as well! Or let us "overlay" glass panes and wood blocks so we can build the windows ourselves, but thats probably too complicated.

A "flatten soil" option - Ever dig out a nice foundation or driveway and then have to deal with that little area where the dirt falls down? It would be great to be able to alter dirt to become flush with adjacent placed blocks, at least until that block is removed or destroyed.
"Mirror" key - there's lots of duplicate left and right shapes in the menu cluttering it up. Wouldn't it make more sense to have a key or option that just mirrors the existing block along some predefined axis?

Directional rotation control - Instead of one key that lets you iterate between every possible rotation, have different keys to rotate in the different directions.

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Just off of the top of my head, but I haven’t been in the shapes menu to really get a feel for what might be “missing”, just things I feel I’m not seeing:

More “Artsy” blocks that are not really

made for bases or building, meaning: their shape doesn’t work well when placing next to other shapes, so it is likely used only as a decor block. I’m thinking primarily for POI builders to make POIs more interesting/unique.

think of a block that doesn’t have any square sided, and maybe just turns into a curving point (like the old cone spikes but points off to the left like a… errr .. rose thorn. It’s “useable” as maybe a spike trap (if you did the work to make it a spike trap) but for building a base it would be purely for looks as it doesn’t really fit the “blocky” look.


another block example would be like a cone with holes in it so it looked like you drilled out a Rubics cube.

more maybe some hexagon/pentagon/ shapes.


we have “letters” blocks. But some lowercase or even a weird “different”font (like cursive)  or “broken letters” blocks might be nice (for POI builders).


maybe some “thin shapes”, but with ridges and grooves (think of guttering) for making things like… guttering or railing.

more “broken” blocks, meaning: a lot of them are “broken” and used for

making holes, but the “broken side” is flat so you can walk on it if placed on its side.  Make some that look “sharp” on the broken side. A lot of the “holes in walls/floors look nice when viewed before going through them, but as you’re jumping through they look a little fake.



9 minutes ago, GlyphGryph said:

Better glass blocks/glass paint - Right now, the glass blocks we can place are super see-through, unbelievably so. And honestly I feel like what needs to be done is to give us a few different "paints" for glass that lets us alter the dirtiness/opacity/lets use use those window blocks by putting actual glass-looking stuff in them! It would be fine if the paint actually took a special "glass paint" or something as well! Or let us "overlay" glass panes and wood blocks so we can build the windows ourselves, but thats probably too complicated.

This too!  With this you could make window mosaics with neat visuals (like coloring areas with a white light behind it (even if we had colored lights the effect using glass would likely be different) and also just for art sake. crafting it could be just using glass and the existing dye colors. It’s a tad weird all the glass windows on the world all look the same, so changes to them (probably anything) would be nice.

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