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Help with some logic.


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I'm trying to modify a perk to basically reduce the hunger/thirst threshold by about 75% but instead of scaling with the perk rank it goes by level. Yes, By level, capping at 100. Basically rank 3 of that perk adds two lines at progression.xml in /progression/level that say

		<setattribute xpath="/buffs/triggered_effect[
			@name='buffStatusThirsty01' or 
			@name='buffStatusThirsty02' or 
			/requirement[@name='StatComparePercCurrentToMax']/@value" level="1,100" operation="perc_subtract">.01, .75</setattribute>

		<setattribute xpath="/buffs/triggered_effect[
			@name='buffStatusHungry01' or 
			@name='buffStatusHungry02' or 
			/requirement[@name='StatComparePercCurrentToMax']/@value" level="1,100" operation="perc_subtract">.01, .75</setattribute>

Is this the correct way to lower thresholds? Is there any other better way?
I thought at first I could just raise FoodMax and WaterMax but since hunger works of percentages it would still trigger at 50%.
More over doing that would reduce the efficiency of ALL food by 75% since now they have to fill 35 / [100 + level] instead of just 35 / 100.


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3 minutes ago, Shino said:

I am a moron and don't know how to do basic maths. 
Even if it's percentage, a sheer increase in Food/WaterMax is an increase in the threshold. 

Ignore this question tyvm

Morons don't figure out problems on their own, nice job

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