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Bdub's A19 Dirt Bike in A20. . .


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Hopefully Bdubyah will be around, but just in case he's on vacation somewhere ( 😎 ) I need some help from one or two good folks out there, ( please! )  Like many others I'm into A20, and since A15 have built up my own single personal, un-shared and 'biggish' mod which uses my own stuff, plus a goodly number of other folks work, or parts of their work, and in that mix - one of the game entry items is the great Bdubyah's Dirt Bike. I'm 77 years old now - but while 'growing up' in the UK, I rode a 250cc Dot Demon International Moto-Cross bike in competition, and his Dirt Bike brings back so much of that into this game. I've also been in IT for thirty years or so - though as a systems admin, with some programming experience, but never as a full-time programmer, and certainly not as a game dev - however - XML is a breeze. To cut a long story short - I've updated all of the existing A19 Dirt Bike files (plus a number of other mods) to comply with A20 system - mostly by following how the A20 vehicleMotorcycle xml is - and building the bike and it's parts all works exactly as it did in A19 - right up to the point where we rt-click to drop the newly made Bike on the road. Boom! Red NRE's forever. . . .
 It seems TFP haven't changed their Unity version, and the Dirt Bike code is now the same as the Motorcycle.   I just don't see anything else that might cause this.

Can anyone shed some light please?


Paul J


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1 hour ago, paulj_3 said:

Hopefully Bdubyah will be around, but just in case he's on vacation somewhere ( 😎 ) I need some help from one or two good folks out there, ( please! )  Like many others I'm into A20, and since A15 have built up my own single personal, un-shared and 'biggish' mod which uses my own stuff, plus a goodly number of other folks work, or parts of their work, and in that mix - one of the game entry items is the great Bdubyah's Dirt Bike. I'm 77 years old now - but while 'growing up' in the UK, I rode a 250cc Dot Demon International Moto-Cross bike in competition, and his Dirt Bike brings back so much of that into this game. I've also been in IT for thirty years or so - though as a systems admin, with some programming experience, but never as a full-time programmer, and certainly not as a game dev - however - XML is a breeze. To cut a long story short - I've updated all of the existing A19 Dirt Bike files (plus a number of other mods) to comply with A20 system - mostly by following how the A20 vehicleMotorcycle xml is - and building the bike and it's parts all works exactly as it did in A19 - right up to the point where we rt-click to drop the newly made Bike on the road. Boom! Red NRE's forever. . . .
 It seems TFP haven't changed their Unity version, and the Dirt Bike code is now the same as the Motorcycle.   I just don't see anything else that might cause this.

Can anyone shed some light please?


Paul J



Hi paul


For the problem that happens to you, you could share an image or the outputlog, it would be of great help.

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Hi Gouki: Thanks for your replying to this, It so happens that Bdub happened to be around and we've been messaging for the last hour or so, trying different things. It is now fixed!
The problem comes about when TFP changes - or adds new syntax to a line in a file, and that's linked - by reference - to another file. If one name value is different - then "it doesn't exist" -> "Boom!" . This can be as simple as one name containing an upper case letter, the other - a lower case letter.  In this case there were actually two errors - both caused in that way.
             In the first case, where the Bike was dropped onto the road - it resulted in an immediate stream of red NRS's - the game completely crashed.   Cause - solved when Bdubyah suggested    "Check the entityclass entry for the dirt bike. A19 used a number for the ID, but now it uses a normal name. "vehicleBicycle" is what I used for the LooListAlive."   . . .   so I did, and immediately saw that I had spelled "vehicle" as "vehivle" .   Red stream gone.

        Seciond Case. The Bike then dropped onto the road ok, but I couldn't click on it to mount it, or to add gas, or have any interaction with it. Further - on hitting esc to end the game - another, single red popped up, which launched a stream after hitting Exit.   Bdubyah suggested checking the "Player.log" (which I found, is located at
"C:\Users\[ your user name ]\AppData\LocalLow\The Fun Pimps\7 Days To Die\. (I'm not sure, but I think "Player.log is an A20 change). It pointed at nav_objects.xml - which points to the sprites that shows one where the Bike is on the Compass, and  on-screen settings.  I started the game again, dropped the bike and then looked for the sprites. There were none.  Again, Bdubyah suggested I check the
nav_objects.xml           <nav_object_class name="DirtBike",

and compare it to the

entityclasses.xml. <property name="NavObject" value="dirtbike" />

One was upper case - the other lower case.      Fixed and fixed!

                                 I owe Bdubyah big-time!!   👍                                     

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