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Animal interactions


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spacer.pngJust out of curiosity has there been any thought into taming animals that are alive and wandering through, chickens, wolf's, coyotes and what not. Or anything to kind bring a little more depth into them, like having a few chickens in a nest producing eggs and feathers would be kinda cool, (I love the game and have played it from console to pc when I upgraded and constantly am eager to see what the team is up to). Or maybe like animal traps and snares or baits to attracts animals. Would love to hear what everyone else thinks would be cool with our few other living beings 😃

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There are mods that allow you to tame animals, even some go as far as making the game into a pokemon style collection and battle system. 

However, I'd like to see updates to animals with a future release. Mostly so that wolves, move in packs, and hunt other animals. I'd rather see a deer run by my screen being chased by a pack of wolves than just see either one in isolation. And not interacting. Pigs should be hunted too, and get aggressive at close proximity. 

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