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Custom Sounds Question


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I added customs sounds and I have them working in game, but they are so very low volume and I can barley hear them, in Unity they sound loud and crisp. Is there specific formats they need to be in or settings that need to be applied? I have them as wav files at the moment. I watched the Xyth SoundImporting video and he didn't really get into any of that. If you need any screenshots of something specific I will provide them :)

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11 minutes ago, Telric said:

What audiosource are you using? that has a slight factor in how loud the sounds are. Using the Sounds/AudioSource_WeaponFire, all of my custom sounds are the same volume as they are in unity.

<AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_Interact"/> I'm using this.

I was going ask about "AudioSource" and what it does. Is there another config file for this setting or is it coded?

Edited by Vanblam (see edit history)
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Audio source is the point where that sound comes from. It's coded, but i've never really tried to target a custom one. If i add a specific sound to a block, itll have a audiosource already. If changing the audio source doesn't do anything, i guess put the sound through audacity and increase it's volume. Easy enough to do.

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1 hour ago, Telric said:

Audio source is the point where that sound comes from. It's coded, but i've never really tried to target a custom one. If i add a specific sound to a block, itll have a audiosource already. If changing the audio source doesn't do anything, i guess put the sound through audacity and increase it's volume. Easy enough to do.

Yea just a quick volume adjustment in Audacity is very simple. So sticking with WeaponFire is what I'm going to do from now on, unless its necessary for that block or some odd sound that should use a different AudioSource.

Edited by Vanblam (see edit history)
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