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Help: file edits (making mod blocks indestructible ) not working anymore,


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I edited some mod files to make some blocks indestructible (windows, traps) for a "houseflipper" build where i don't really care about the hordes


It worked for weeks but recently i got almost daily mini updates on steam (no idea what they edited) and after i logged in today i noticed my base was broken, the usually indestructible blocks can be destroyed again even though the edits i did to the block file are still there. No idea what caused it or how i can reverse it. Its not just one mod, its almost a dozen that worked well and now not anymore

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List of information if you want people to help:


  • List of all mods installed
    • How you installed the mods
    • Modlauncher or manual installation
    • Copied game to new folder or just modified the base game
    • What mods are not working
  • What version where you on when you installed vs now
  • What files did you modify or did you create a modlet
    • Where are those file locations at
  • Paste your console logs to see what errors you are getting
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