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add a menu that lets you turn off mobs

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all the things you can customize about your map and you can't turn off undead vultures? come on, I shouldn't have to scour the internet for hours or open the xml file on my own, especially when you can control how fast the zombies move based on the amount of daylight left. just add this, you've had to have this request for years now, take a week and add it for christ's sake. I've literally not played this for close to a year because of a playthrough that got ruined as I started a base in a desert on a natural large rock formation to only find out that apparently screamers spawn at a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% rate and even with god mode I can't get them to stop for more than 60 seconds, seriously, the desert is literally not buildable in vanilla. that's dumb, please add this very basic function and make lots of your CUSTOMERS happy.

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So you posted in a mods sub-forum about something you demand that TFP do?  I think you are in the wrong section.  😉


What were you doing in the desert that caused an excessive spawn rate of screamers?  You can build successfully in the desert.  If you are seeing a lot of screamers, it has to be tied to what actions you are doing.  If you are making a lot of noise in that area, you are constantly going to be pushing the game to spawn them in.  I learned the best way to address the screamers is to account for them, either by the use of turrets (if I am mining, I will leave them above as they will take out the screamers when they investigate) or designing my base in a way to get them in areas where dart traps to take care of them.  I recall many nights working in my base, just to hear screamers turn up and get killed by my dart traps  🙂


TFP has made the game easy to modify.  If you need assistance, a lot of people here in the forums will assist you.  In fact, someone recently requested some changes to make them easier and a member created a modlet just for them (and anyone else that would like it).  If I can find the original post, I may edit this one with a link to it.

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So... Instead of taking the couple mins to download a mod that does what you want, you spent an entire year of your life not playing a great game? Logical. Seeing as this is in the modding discussion, I assume you're wanting to mod this in. A much more simple fix would be to copy the invisibleAnimal class, paste it at the bottom of entityclasses.xml, and rename it to animalZombieVulture. Then do the same for animalZombieVultureRadiated. Boom. Now you don't have vultures. In their place, an instantly killed entity will spawn. You won't even notice. Hope this helps you get back that year of your life that you lost out on.... Not sure why people want options in the game that are already out there. They just might include a small fraction of work on your part. God forbid....

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