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Trader defense quest idea


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The current trader to trader system is awesome but another but more rare way to locate other traders I thought of is on extremely rare occasions when players go to traders for jobs they will notice one quest simply titled "Trader Defense" where the current trader will not only send the player to another trader to work with but players also defend the trader from 3 HUGE waves of zombies, the zombies get tougher with every wave and with every time u do this quest. Weather the trader base can be broken into or not ill leave up to the fun pimps, but it'll be a good quest for players with tons of bullets. Feel free to tell me yall's thoughts on this idea and if yall have more details to add to it or even entirely new quest ideas.

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I guess to avoid the invincible base problem, maybe a mission where you defend a trader in a POI tower-defense style, and then escort him to his invincible base Counter-Strike style? And at the completion of that mission, that trader base is unlocked.


And if the mission has already been done once, the game could just have you rescue an NPC instead who isn't the trader if you ever want to repeat the quest.

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