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Electrical doubts


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Hello, after a lot of reviewing and not achieving my goal, I wanted to see if you can help me. I want to make a circuit of turrets (12 in total with a consumption of 15w each) and that these are fed automatically, for this I place solar panels in the day a bank of batteries at night. and that on the day another panel will charge the batteries. Is there a way to make the transition between the panels and the batteries automatic? since in this way I could leave everything automatic so that I do not worry about this issue.  or is there any mod that can help me with my task.



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I think it is automatic already. Add so many solar panels that they can feed batteries AND turrets at the same time. Attach the batteries to the panels and the turrets to the batteries.


panels -> batteries -> turrets


At daylight the panels will replenish the batteries and power the turrets while the batteries will be inactive. At night the batteries will power the turrets


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