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Report Poor Performance


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I am posting this on all sights that have anything to do with 7daystodie. 

I ask all people disappointed with the console version to go here Buy 7 Days to Die - Microsoft Store, and at the bottom right there is a place to report the game for poor performance. Please do so if you are experiencing issues. 

Edited by SylenThunder (see edit history)
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  • SylenThunder changed the title to Report Poor Performance
On 7/4/2021 at 10:58 PM, Thadmagic said:

I am posting this on all sights that have anything to do with 7daystodie. 

I ask all people disappointed with the console version to go here Buy 7 Days to Die - Microsoft Store, and at the bottom right there is a place to report the game for poor performance. Please do so if you are experiencing issues. 


Thanks for looking out for the community and sorry that your experience with the game on your xbox hasn't been what you were expecting. I've made a new thread with the link to Microsoft you provided as well as a link to the Playstation store for those whom that applies to and I've pinned it at the top of the page. It is always important to let a store know what you think of a product that you bought from there. 

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