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A19.3>A19.4>A19.5 Benchmarks


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Got a bit lax on tracking the performance of the last few updates. All caught up now, we have comparative benchmarks from A19.2 up to the current A19.5. To save time i just tested 1 system "Hotbox" since it isn't as powerful as my main rig it should in theory benefit the most from optimisations.


My Other 7DTD Benchmarks



Systems Tested




CPU  Intel I7 6700K 4 Core 8 Threads
Motherboard ASUS STRIX Z270I Mini ITX Motherboard
Ram Corsair Vengeance LPX 32gb (2x16gb) DDR4 3000 MHz
Storage Samsung SM951 512Gb M.2 PCI 3.0 SSD (AHCI Model)
GPU Evga Sc2 Gaming Black Edition GTX 1080ti



Systems Overclock Notes




CPU: 4.5Ghz, 1.3V, Cache ratio 43

Ram: Stock: Default JEDEC(2133Mhz) , Overclock: XMP Enabled (3000Mhz)

GPU: Core:+50 Mem:+325



Benchmark Notes & Disclaimers



1. These figures should be taken as ball park figures and not absolute values.
7DTD is a very difficult game to benchmark accurately. It's in alpha and sometimes does weird things. Also some things are difficult to account for such as the AI, they will behave differently and spawn differently every run, which leads to #2.

2. What's controlled for and what's not
I haven't controlled for driver versions & windows versions. My goal was just to get "close enough" results instead of 100% accurate as possible. That said i have controlled for memory leaks, restarting the game after every run. Time of day is reset from the console after every run. When changing resolution i changed ingame before shutting down then validated with the unity screen selector on next launch. No zombies/animals where killed so areas weren't "cleared" until x amount of days, to insure that on following runs they would respawn (Although i can't do much if zombies kill animals or vise versa etc). I only did 1 pass on each test, however any result that didn't look right or didn't make sense was discarded and retested.


3. 1 system isn't enough to draw definitive conclusions for every configuration. The conclusions found here may or may not apply to your own systems, these results are only really comparable if you have similar hardware. But they will however give an idea of where the current performance is at with the hardware that was tested.


4. It's Alpha

Any update could change any conclusions drawn from these tests. Also as a work in progress things are always improving and getting worse, by the time 7DTD goes gold these results with be obsolete and invalid. Things are always changing in alpha.


5. Console Options used
all tests are run with increased view distance (sg optionsgfxviewdistance 12). 

6. Tests on different resolutions were done on monitors native aspect ratio
16:9 Resolutions were tested on an Asus PB287Q 4K 3840x2160 60HZ Monitor
21:9 Resolution was tested on an LG 38GL950G 3840x1600 175Hz Monitor


7. The benchmark Run
I've been using the same run since A14 for all tests, you can find more details on the exact run in my a15 benchmarks i did ages ago Here


8.For Hotbox i run the game without the affinity tweak. I may move to running with it in the future tho.




2 Different video Settings Tested



Ultra Settings 1 Ultra Settings 2 Lower Settings 1 Lower Settings 2
a19_ultra_settings_1.thumb.png.0df3f5e62c068afe7bf9af894623443b.png 7_Days_to_Die_Screenshot_2020_09.21_-_15_57_29_22.thumb.png.ee757ad5e94777d1cec8f4efe8126f9d.png lower_settings_1.thumb.png.4d3b94e766d01d2f5f364caf9eb51eea.png 7_Days_to_Die_Screenshot_2020_09.21_-_15_57_29_22.thumb.png.ee757ad5e94777d1cec8f4efe8126f9d.png


Hotbox Benchmarks

Original Excel Files Download


A19.2 VS A19.3 Benchmarks




Ultra Settings 



Lower Settings




A19.3 VS A19.4 Benchmarks




Ultra Settings 



Lower Settings




A19.4 VS A19.5 Benchmarks




Ultra Settings 



Lower Settings




A19.0 VS A19.5 Benchmarks




Ultra Settings 



Lower Settings






The first few .xyz updates nothing much changed. However 19.5 gave us significant improvements and if we look at A19.0 to A19.5 we see huge gains in the 1% and 0.1%. The gains here up to nearly +30% is the equivalent to 2-3 generations of CPU single core performance, which considering this extra performance is not only free for everyone, it also requires the user to do nothing but let steam auto update.

There wasn't as much an improvement in average frame rate but we still got a good up to 10% uplift. 10% doesn't sound like much but it can be the difference between unplayable and playable for some people. It's also important to note that the 1% and 0.1% numbers are arguably more important. These numbers represent how "smooth" the framerate is. Either a wide margin between those numbers and the average framerate or sub 30fps lows can show how often there is significant "stutter" or "micro pauses" that give a game an undesirable experience. Think if the framerate is consistently dropping to 5fps even if just for half a second, but your average is over 100 fps it would still feel unplayable.


So in summery the pimps have done a great job here, if they can keep adding gains here and there in a20 and above, the game will run butter smooth for most people in no time. This is a promising glimpse into A20's performance also. It's not the end of the road for optimisations yet, but this is a good sign to come.🤘

Edited by Naz (see edit history)
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