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About the use of CraftingIngredientCount command

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The use of "CraftingIngredientCount" does not limit the minimum value, which will cause too many mods to use this command, and the result of the material quantity being 0 will occur, which will lead to the failure to make items.
<passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" operation="perc_subtract" value="0.8"/>

Is there a way to solve?
Should we limit the final result of "CraftingIngredientCount" to 1?

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If I remember correctly, the way "CraftingIngredientCount" is usually used is to add additional resources. So, rather than using "perc_subtract", you have crafting recipes for vehicle parts and such that use "perc_add" value "0.5", causing people who don't have the Grease Monkey perk to use 50% more resources to make the same thing (the default recipe would be the "cheaper" version for Grease Monkey users).

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