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How to swap power attack and regular attack animations

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Hey all,

I'm trying to swap the animations of an item that uses the sledgehammer hold type (33). Currently, it seems there's some reason that the UsePowerAttackAnimation attribute does not work when applied to action0, but does with action 1. I'd like to make it so the regular attack uses the power animation and visa versa. Any idea on how to achieve this or things that might prevent it? Thanks.

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On 6/12/2021 at 4:53 PM, TheWolfssegen said:

Hey all,

I'm trying to swap the animations of an item that uses the sledgehammer hold type (33). Currently, it seems t
here's some reason that the UsePowerAttackAnimation attribute does not work when applied to action0, but does with action 1. I'd like to make it so the regular attack uses the power animation and visa versa. Any idea on how to achieve this or things that might prevent it? Thanks.

To swap the animations of an item that uses the sledgehammer hold type, you will need to modify the associated animation files. You will need to swap the animation files for the regular attack and power attack animations.

Here are the general steps you can take:

Open the animation files for the sledgehammer hold type. These should be located in the game's data files.

Look for the regular attack and power attack animations for the sledgehammer hold type. These should be named something like "Attack1.hkx" and "PowerAttack.hkx".

Rename the regular attack animation file to something like "Attack1_backup.hkx".

Rename the power attack animation file to "Attack1.hkx".

Rename the regular attack backup file to "PowerAttack.hkx".

Save the changes to the animation files.

This should swap the regular attack and power attack animations for the sledgehammer hold type. Make sure to test the changes in the game to ensure they work as intended.

Note that there may be other factors that prevent the UsePowerAttackAnimation attribute from working with action0, such as limitations in the game's engine or scripting system.

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