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New reloads


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Do you think there will be two types of reload on weapons like others FPS games one day? Like one for reload when a bullet is in the barrel just remove and replace the mag and one for empty barrel remove and replace mag plus rearming the weapon? Because i noticed that for now it's only barrel empty reload animation except for the shotguns (auto and pump) where for auto you just change the mag instead of putting a round inside the barrel and then put a new mag and for the pump same it just refills the mag without inserting the round in the barrel like it's normally done in order to reload a shotgun. I personally think it would be a great adding to the game, making it more reallistic. It mostly is a selfish request because i like weapons tactical realism.
Edited by Kishin_SR6
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5 hours ago, Kishin_SR6 said:
Do you think there will be two types of reload on weapons like others FPS games one day? Like one for reload when a bullet is in the barrel just remove and replace the mag and one for empty barrel remove and replace mag plus rearming the weapon? Because i noticed that for now it's only barrel empty reload animation except for the shotguns (auto and pump) where for auto you just change the mag instead of putting a round inside the barrel and then put a new mag and for the pump same it just refills the mag without inserting the round in the barrel like it's normally done in order to reload a shotgun. I personally think it would be a great adding to the game, making it more reallistic. It mostly is a selfish request because i like weapons tactical realism.

Yeah but it need a "finish" guns first. If they ended add news guns they will polish animations effect. This rly small detail. They are focused now on RWG drons hd models

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