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Make a Bioshock World ( trouble )


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Good Morning everyone
(sorry for my english i'm french)
I'm here because i want build a city under the water in pregen3 ( like rapture in Bioshock ) i wanna make a lot of building and area full of zombie, the player should clean if he want stuff and safe zone (and of course this should be only "world edit", like this i can share when the city is over) but...
I got a lot of trouble making this town, i try Creative mod on the world but i can't build a city like this: every time i go away all building not saved are gone (and the save is only for one spot so i can't build a true city ) i guess i can't build this city with this way.
Next i try build in prefabs mod but, when i go back in pregen3 and try put one building under the water, every time the tools is broken and turn all my building into a water... then i can't use this way too ....
can someone help me ? it been 7hours i try start this city...

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I am very much NOT an expert in the world editor, but I played around with it a bit near the shoreline in PREGEN03. I tried to place a POI under water and it "worked" except of course that every block (including air) in a POI is predefined and water in 7D2D doesn't really flow. So what I ended up with was the POI sunken into a hole in the ocean:




I don't think there is any easy way to "flood" that POI so it is truly under water. That's just not how POIs nor water work in 7D2D.


I think you would need to custom-build an "under water POI", with water blocks everywhere you'd normally have an air block, and then import that POI into PREGEN03 using the World Editor.


But, again, I am a total novice using the editor. Hopefully someone with more experience can give you an easy solution.

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Well i found a way with the POI, now all building will be under water and this is what i was looking for, but now when i'll go inside a building ( a little one because ) i'll have to remove the water with wood Blocks and next remove wood blocks to have air and this only on survie, when i stay in creative the water come back inside when it reload the city or i'll go far away. Do you have a picture of Air Blocks ? ( i don't found it )

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I don't think there is an air block, at least not one that you can access from the creative menu. You can use 'z' to select areas and then 'j' to delete all blocks, which results in 'air'. For complex areas, you'll have to manually place some other block and then remove it.


I'm interested to know how you got a POI under water. Is it completely flooded? You can see in my picture that there are just walls of water surrounding the POI. I'd like to know how to get that water to fill in all of the air space around/inside the POI.

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Today i'll do this but i still need build every building (Main hall / big tower / garden / Bar and many other )spacer.png


this look like this ( under the building is not load so you can see some white Blocks )spacer.png

and this is the main trouble now , the water inside xD 

as you say the main of POI in game have air block so you can't put them under the water , but when you are inside this gonna be this 

i build this to see what happen when you are under the water with window , of course it empty but when every inch of the POI will be end it gonna be more nice to see at the window


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