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Adding quest to trader


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Hi everyone,


So i'm working on a mod with custom quests for me and my wife. Everything was going fine when i was testing with the givequest command. But i hit a roadblock.

I wanted to them being given by trader randomly.


But it seems i cannot make them to show up at the trader. The quests i have "created" are just copy pasted clear quest with custom text and reward. But i can't make any of this quest show up in the traders. I even tried to remove all quests in the tier1 from the original file and my qests aren't showing up.


What is the parameter that i need to add in my quests.xml file to add them to the trader ? Or maybe the xpath i used (quests) is not the one ? 


Oh and i don't want to override original quest. It's just a fun thing that i'm adding that i would like to be randomly given by the traders.


Thanks in advance.

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I did not !


So i'm trying to add it but it's not really working (NullReference Exception)



	<append xpath="/quests">
      <quest id="custom_quest1">
			<property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_quest"/>
			<property name="repeatable" value="true"/>
			<property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
			<property name="offer_key" value="quest_tier1_clear_offer"/>
			<property name="difficulty" value="medium"/>
			<property name="difficulty_tier" value="1"/>
			<property name="statement_key" value="quest_clear_statement"/>
			<property name="response_key" value="quest_clear_response"/>
			<property name="login_rally_reset" value="true"/>

			<action type="ShowTip" value="PoulpyProut2"/>
			<action type="TrackQuest"/>

			<objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="10" phase="1"/>
			<objective type="Craft">
				<property name="phase" value="2"/>
				<property name="item" value="bedroll"/>
				<property name="count" value="1"/>

			<objective type="BlockPlace" id="bedroll" value="1" phase="2"/>

			<reward type="Exp" value="50"/>
			<reward type="Item" id="Tchoup" value="1"/>
<append xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
			<!-- Tier 1 -->
		<quest id="custom_quest1"/>


EDIT : Ok so with this "quest_list" i found another post from someone that tried to do the same thing. His solution was to do 


<insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
        <quest id="custom_quest1"/>


I now need to figure out where to put this


After reading : 

And this

 i still don't understand where i need to this... I tried multiple append, insertBefore inside the append, after, at the start.. i can't figure it out and documentation isn't doing it for me (maybe it's the language barrier) cause i don't get it


Edited by FFW_Rude (see edit history)
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There should be a ConfigDumps directory inside your savegame. There you will find the xml files AFTER xpath expressions are applied. This is probably the easiest way to try out xpath expressions and find out if your expectations of how the changes are applied line up with reality


I assume you already know the xpath tutorial?


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Ok thanks i will try that tonight. I am familiar with Xtyh and Sphereii stuff yes but i might have missed a few things. (Sometimes i forget that all games are not skyrim and that i have to NOT SKIP steps to understand) 

Just looking at it with my morning coffee and i believe i know what is the problem so i will try to fiddle. Basicly, new quests are added after quest_lists. Should not be how XML is read, but if 7d2d parse them from top to bottom that might be something like this.


Thanks again for your help. Will keep updating if roadblock or solution.

Edited by FFW_Rude (see edit history)
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So ok i'm really stupid. After re-reading the other posts i found it and it works !


so basicly for people that don't really got it. Here is the solution



  <insertBefore xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
  	<quest id='my_quest'>
      	Properties and objectives yada yada
  <append xpath="/quests/quest_list[@id='trader_quests']">
    <quest id='my_quest' />



And there you go ! Now i need to figure out why there's no title but that's another thread for another time.

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