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I keep dying after loading into server


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Whenever I log onto the server I play on I immediately die and am stuck with a black screen with red on the outlines. I also don’t get an option to respawn. I have deleted my game and reinstalled multiple times and still nothing. There are also multiple mods in the server so I don’t know if that is a problem. Everybody else in the server does not have this problem but me. Thanks.

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2021-02-26T00:11:20 468.660 INF [EAC] UserStatusHandler callback. Status: ClientAuthenticatedRemote ReqKick: False Message: Client authenticated remotely
2021-02-26T00:11:20 468.660 INF [Auth] EAC authorization successful: EntityID=-1, PlayerID='76561198155668481', OwnerID='76561198155668481', PlayerName='Extraordinarybamboo'
2021-02-26T00:11:20 468.663 INF Allowing player with id 76561198155668481
2021-02-26T00:11:20 468.923 INF RequestToEnterGame: 76561198155668481/Extraordinarybamboo
2021-02-26T00:11:28 476.934 INF 13384 EntityBackpack id 4064, plyrId 438, (330.1, 75.7, -1077.8) (20, -68), chunk True (20, 4, -68), items 78 keystoneBlock, ammo44MagnumBulletBall at (0, 0, 0, xz 0 0) : Write
2021-02-26T00:11:28 476.934 INF TileEntityLootContainer backpack write 0, 0, 0
2021-02-26T00:11:29 477.591 INF Player Mervymerv disconnected after 4.6 minutes
2021-02-26T00:11:29 477.860 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=438, PlayerID='76561198200966622', OwnerID='76561198200966622', PlayerName='Mervymerv'
2021-02-26T00:11:29 477.860 INF [EAC] FreeUser: EntityID=438, PlayerID='76561198200966622', OwnerID='76561198200966622', PlayerName='Mervymerv'
2021-02-26T00:11:29 477.860 INF [EAC] Log: [EAC Server]  [Info] [00:11:29:706][Windows][EAC Server] [Info][UnregisterClient] Client: 0000000000000003 PlayerGUID: 76561198200966622
2021-02-26T00:11:29 477.860 INF GMSG: Player 'Mervymerv' left the game




Here are the Logs for me.

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