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Air Vehicles


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would like to see decent air vehicles added to the game with proper controls every mod i downloaded was broken sideways for air vehicles

right now there is only the gyrocopter which is equivalent to the minibike both of which i hate with a passion and despise

would like to see real helicopters and airplanes added like the truck and motorcycle variant

chinook is a great start for helicopters




Sikorsky UH-60



really any real helicopter would be a really nice step up and would not require god mode to drive or fly like the gyrocopter does

bush plane might be better then gyrocopter though not very likely i think they are both likely sh.. really need vertical take off no airports in game and tiny small map
i think only helicopters will work i might be only some of few in game flying gyrocopter because i use god mode so you cannot die when you hit everything on take off and landing

i think helicopter is best route then airplanes due to lack of airports infrastructure or clean airfields in game and speed of travel airplane would reach end of map in nano second

helicopters require no infrastructure like airplanes or gyrocopters gyrocopters need a clean airfield or airport


when doing trader quests and foraging the helicopters vertical take off from any spot is most ideal vs a gyrocopter or airplane always needing a perfectly clean airstrip with no debris or trees to hit on take off or while landing


currently the mods for helicopters drive like this & the gyrocopters gameplay is like this


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well i do agree that the Gyrocopter is in a way obsolete even in the apocalypse but i only use it because as u said flying vehicles from mods aren't that good. but i know of another flying vehicle that also has vertical take off and landing that i think would be really cool in the game. that vehicle is AIRSHIPS im not talking about ww1 type airships im talking about airships of a more steampunk design such as an 18th century style warship lifted into the air by a massive gas bag usually filled with hot air. now i know these types of airships because there so huge would lag the game severely so my idea is TFP should take a small motor boat and add a large football shaped gas bag to lift it into the air that way the airships wont have to be so big and lag the game. not only that but i hope when they add vehicle mods starting in A20 i hope the mods include extra armor for all vehicles it would be cool to see a makeshift airship with tons of scrap metal armor. also when i last read the forums talking about A20 i noticed they changed the original post and now it lists some of the planned vehicle mods. one of the listed mods is a turbo charge which sounds like small rocket boosters but even then the gyrocopter wont be that fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the gyro tho I feel it's lacking another seat... though I did just see this video on fb and I think it might be an fun way to have another person instead of making another seat and maybe test out mechanic for maybe some rudder style planes.

Tho I think this would be a little challenging to fly but kinda fun for picking up a friend who is a fresh Spawn in the game



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8 hours ago, TeaJays said:

I like the gyro tho I feel it's lacking another seat... though I did just see this video on fb and I think it might be an fun way to have another person instead of making another seat and maybe test out mechanic for maybe some rudder style planes.

Tho I think this would be a little challenging to fly but kinda fun for picking up a friend who is a fresh Spawn in the game



well if u look at the A20 dev diary there planning to add seat extensions as a vehicle mod so hopefully it'll work on the gyrocopter

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