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Mod Request-Chevelle & lifted Chevy square body


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In case you haven't found these, (and its not exactly what you're looking for) but maybe will get you close until someone else can maybe put together what you're asking for.  I'm also interested in a chevelle, in any color ;)



Specifically the Hot Rods, Box Truck, and the Marauder.  The links on the main page are a little weird, you have to open up the "hidden" part and then click on the arrow on the top right to jump to the forum post with the vehicle pictures. Here's a direct link to pics of some of them if you loaded "all of bdubs vehicles" that are in a single mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/342?tab=images

He has them separated out as individual vehicles if you're just interested in loading one or two.


And then this mod, which might have a few that are "close enough"


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