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Uma ideia / An idea


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Português Brasileiro


Eu tenho uma ideia, que na minha cabeça parece muito interassante.
Que tal, ao morrermos transformar nosso personagem em zombie? (só para dificultar um pouco nossa vida) .


Um zombie controlado pela IA, pra deixar claro.


English (translate google sorry 😥


I have an idea, which in my head, seems very interesting.
How about, when we die turning our character into a zombie? (just to make our life a little more difficult).


An AI controlled zombie, to clarify.

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I believe this has been brought up before but I do not know if it can ever be done, as it might cause issues in PvP if people kept dying over and over again, generating a lot of zombies.  Of course, you could remove the "last few" zombies" from your death, if it could be done.  Maybe it will be more possible once bandits are released in a21+, and also the new clothing/armor system TFP is working on.  In games that use server managers, I could see someone being able to code it to generate a zed that "looks like" you and dropping it off as a sleeper when you died.  Of course, in multiplayer on a server, if someone else came into that area your corpse would wake up and attack them, so when you got to that area your corpse could have already walked away or been killed, so you'dn ever see your corpse.

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