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Regular zombie AI question


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Back after a big break from the game. I realize nowhere is safe on horde night now, which is fine. Quick question for you guys though. Do zombies on regular nights have super senses now and will sense you a billion blocks underground? Was gonna hop on and just try it, but I'd rather just ask. Don't want to be blindsided by random running zombies when I can just ask here.

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They hear you when you are less than 25 blocks below ground. If your underground base is on the bedrock, you are safe from the regular zombies.

For the early game it is easier not to go underground but to find an elevated position that the zombies can't reach like the roof of a building. Of course you have to knock down the ladders.

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12 hours ago, Jamineal said:

Appreciated, I'm just thinking ahead to making my little mole man tunnels. Thanks again.

As a fellow mole-man on some maps, I can say that non-horde zombies will leave you alone 100% of the time so long as you are deep enough (as RipClaw stated). Just be prepared for hordes, especially at higher gamestages, as they will burrow down to you like a pile-driver if you decide to try to wait it out in the tunnels. 😁

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