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A little help please?


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So as the title stats i am looking for a little help understanding how the spawn rates under the entitygroups.xml work. More specifically the number side of the xml file. I notice some things like " <entity name="animalWolf" prob="1"/>  Would a lower number mean increased spawns, or decreased spawns. from other games i have hosted they tend to differ. The reason i am creating this thread is i host a server for myself and a small group of friends, and at the moment the wolf and bear spawn rate is ridiculously high, i have tried adjusting them each way by raising the number / lowering it but it does not seem to make a difference. There's always just a ton of wolves around where ever we go. Note that i did up the spawn rates (or at least tried to) of some of the other animals such as Deer, Pigs, Chickens and Rabbits. But they don't seem to spawn as often as the Bears and Wolves... Haha

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1 hour ago, Artirion said:

So as the title stats i am looking for a little help understanding how the spawn rates under the entitygroups.xml work. More specifically the number side of the xml file. I notice some things like " <entity name="animalWolf" prob="1"/>  Would a lower number mean increased spawns, or decreased spawns. from other games i have hosted they tend to differ. The reason i am creating this thread is i host a server for myself and a small group of friends, and at the moment the wolf and bear spawn rate is ridiculously high, i have tried adjusting them each way by raising the number / lowering it but it does not seem to make a difference. There's always just a ton of wolves around where ever we go. Note that i did up the spawn rates (or at least tried to) of some of the other animals such as Deer, Pigs, Chickens and Rabbits. But they don't seem to spawn as often as the Bears and Wolves... Haha


Hi Artirion


A lower number means that less will appear, a higher number more probability.
animalStag has probability = 1, whereas chickens and rabbits have probability = 48 in WildGameForest.

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