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:7Days:   7dtdMapFileAnalyzer v1.3 (2020-08-06) by Phoenix125 | http://discord.gg/EU7pzPs


A Utility to analyze and compare the number of POIs in your map(s).



- Fully customizable POI type and search parameters.
- Scans your folder recursively!  Point it to your 7dtd map directory and it automatically scans all files recursively.
- Creates two files: 
    1. A .txt file for each map for quick easy analysis
    2. A .csv file containing all map(s) for importing into your favorite Office program.
- Automatically adds each map scan to the .csv file for direct comparison and easy importing.


(Note: Output is in CSV. An included Excel file can be used to condense the data)


Direct Download: http://www.phoenix125.com/share/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer.zip
GitHub: https://github.com/phoenix125/7dtdMapFileAnalyzer   (Open source)



unknown.png unknown.png
[11:09 PM]
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Thanks for sharing your tool to examine POIs at a glance.

However, I did have to skip downloading from the direct link as it triggered my Malwarebytes and tagged it (prob false positive) as a Trojan. Instead grabbed tool from your link on GH here instead which others may prefer too (edit: running the app triggers it still)


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