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Can I Run Darkness Falls with Alpha 19?


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I realize this has probably been asked and answered many times, but I haven't found a direct answer (probably missed it). So sorry if this is a goofy question - can I run Darkness Falls with the latest Alpha 19 version of 7DTD? I've tried it several times with different approaches - Mod Installer versus Copy/Paste - and it doesn't seem to work. I just re-installed it with the Alpha 18 and it's working fine. Obviously I'd love to see the new features with this mod, it really makes the game for me. If the answer is no, is there an estimated time frame for the Alpha 19 and DF?


Thank you for any questions answered. I appreciate it.

... and, I think I posted this in the wrong place.

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Since you asked about release date, this is what I posted in the discord. This information is also on my twitter, patreon and i'm PRETTY sure I posted it in the DF thread.

Posted on the 25th July.

Since folks keep asking about a DF release date...

Madmole has stated on the forums (https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/16394-alpha-19-dev-diary/?do=findComment&comment=380739) that they are looking at August 15th as an A19 stable release date.

I am sticking by my "no DF before stable" stance. So that's 3 weeks from today as a MINIMUM.

This is not a guarantee of when you can expect DF. It is merely a guideline. You won't see it before August 15th if TFP stick to that date.

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Thank you very much, a very thorough response. I absolutely love your work on this, I've now played the vanilla game quite a bit and your alterations are thoughtful and really enhance the experience without fundamentally breaking the game. It's an elegant effort. Keep up the great work.

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Being honest? It's actually in a pretty good place right now.

Hirable NPC's don't work.
Animal Husbandry half works.
Loads of incorrect localization.

So i'm basically spending the next couple of weeks working on those items. Testers are finding a few bugs, but nothing gamebreaking, so that's good.

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