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Extra Supply Crates


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Not sure how useful this will be for folks, but I thought i'd upload it.

When the game spawns a supply crate, it's hardcoded to spawn sc_general from entityclasses. This mod changes that so it pulls a random supply crate from the SupplyCrates_General entitygroup instead.

I added some new supply crates to that group (sc_Melee, sc_Ranged, sc_Food, sc_Construction, sc_Medical, sc_Ammo) and the game now randomly picks one of those when it spawns a crate. There is a slight bug with the "plane" audio that I need to look into, but it works.

Loot in the crates is absolutely NOT balanced with the new progression that TFP have for A19. This was more of a "Proof of Concept" and learning exercise for myself. However, it might be useful for other mod makers who want some more randomness to their supply crates in their content. :)

Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/khainedmt-a19/-/archive/master/khainedmt-a19-master.zip?path=ExtraSupplyCrates/Harmony

If you use this, I STRONGLY recommend re-writing the entries in loot.xml so it's more balanced with TFP's loot system.

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