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Weapon Level vs # of Mods


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I've always just kind of accepted that you only got a new mod slot every other level of weapon 1, 3, 5 and the coveted 6. That combined with the RNG that can make a level 3 weapon as good as a level 5 with no detrimental mods (silencer, of course I only mean the dmg portion as being quiet is an excellent advantage). That combined with additional mods being added to the game I feel it would be an incentive for players to craft a 2 or 4 for the added slot. 1-6 quality = 1-6 mods or start at level 2 with 1 mod and progress to 5 at level 6. Could adjust Zombie HP to compensate (shhh, don't tell the players that part). :)



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Looking at it from just a mod point of veiw yes 3 and 4 are the same but lvl 4 has more durability so you have to repair it less. There are some small advantages of lvl 4 or the inbetween mod lvls if you will. Also at lvl 6 the amount of mods you can slap on feels like enough especially if you have 2 or more at 6. if they tried an experimental change like this it would be neat to see how it worked and if every one enjoyed it as much 

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