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Die as soon as i spawn in dedicated server


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19 minutes ago, OleisaGamer said:

After b-169 I die as soon as i spawn in to our dedicated server and I am then stuck at the bloodred screen and can't respawn. The other person on my server also died, but could respawn. 


Anyone else have this?

This also happened to me and another person on our publicly listed A19 (b169) server last night. We logged into the server, which at the time was on the previous build (A19 (b167???)... received a bunch of red errors in the F1 command-line prompt... closed the program to update the server... then died immediately upon logging into the server. But as an extra special added bonus, both characters were reset to level 1 (from levels 97 and 93 respectively) plus all skills (from either the character skill tree AND books) were reset as well. Oddly enough... none of the items (armor/weapons/vehicles/storage/land claim block/etc.) or any unfinished quests were effected.

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5 minutes ago, Blud-N-Gutz said:

But as an extra special added bonus, both characters were reset to level 1 (from levels 97 and 93 respectively) plus all skills (from either the character skill tree AND books) were reset as well. Oddly enough... none of the items (armor/weapons/vehicles/storage/land claim block/etc.) or any unfinished quests were effected.

You just described the reset that occurs when there is a change to progression.xml  This is a process that was implemented in a18.

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4 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:

You just described the reset that occurs when there is a change to progression.xml  This is a process that was implemented in a18.

Yeah... after I posted I read your reply to OleisaGamer. Is there a way to restore the characters? A backup XML file on the server maybe? My AppData directory is empty from the b143 to b167 update and besides... I'm pretty sure that it'd just kill and reset the characters again anyway if I tried to use a local copy.

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2 minutes ago, Blud-N-Gutz said:

Yeah... after I posted I read your reply to OleisaGamer. Is there a way to restore the characters? A backup XML file on the server maybe? My AppData directory is empty from the b143 to b167 update and besides... I'm pretty sure that it'd just kill and reset the characters again anyway if I tried to use a local copy.

Any backup would just be affected the same. Because the backup would have the old progression data, and would be reset upon loading in.

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I kinda thought that'd be the case. Luckily I stopped a couple other players from logging in until after the server was updated so it only effected the two of us. Looks like the admin will be busy giving us exp spawns and a dev gun to kill them with. LOL


Thanks for the info SylenThunder. It's very much appreciated.

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

Known issue if the server is still on b163, and you are affected by the progression change that causes character reset. 

I checked our server now, says it's running b169 and has been running it since before the spawn in dead thing happened.

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13 minutes ago, PunisherNL said:

I am having the very same issue. Is there anyway to atleast respawn myself? Regardless of having to start at level 1?


Yeah it seems our characters have corrupted. Gotta find the 2-3 files containing your characters data and add .old at the end of the name, this should have you spawn in with a fresh character. The filepath on a dedi server is Data/Worlds/Nameofyourworld/gamename/Player. Should be some files which are named your steam id

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