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Game Save Not Loading


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I've already read the FAQ. The problem is the game is not reading any of my save files from previous or this build. I know i still have my game data because it is in AppData/Roaming but the game is not reading it or picking up on the fact it exists? I'm not sure what to do here or if i need to move files someplace for it to be readable to the game. 

I've tried validating files, using the game launcher and restarting both the game and my computer.  This is on Windows 10 and I was playing the Alpha 19 Experimental when my power went out and suddenly now it doesn't recognize any save files from my current game or previous ones. :/


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DId you also read the thread titled "Important. Read before posting"  which tells you to post your logfiles? 😉


Without any information I can only tell you what you probably already know, from the FAQ, i.e.


Hint: Make regular backups of your savegame.


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