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Game Freeze Dedicated Server NullReferenceException Now Stuck At Creating Player


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I have been playing with 3 friends on dedicated server. At Day 133. Went to dig up a treasure map in the snow.

Riding motorcycle up snow covered hill and near the peak the bike started disappearing into the snow. Tried several times to go around, same result. Tried to get off bike and fell through the map, then popped up right in place next to bike. At this point the game froze and I could not move.

I could enter inventory.

I quit game and restarted.

This is when the game began to hang up at "Creating Player"

Other players can join the server no problem.


Details of Game

Game Time Day:133 13:30

Mode: Survival

Vanilla Settings: Off

Vanilla files: On

Requires Mod: Off

Game 7d2d Alpha 18.4 (b4)


Vanilla files On

Password protected game

We had one mod that showed water and food on hud, but removed to no effect.

EAC on

**We updated to Alpha 19 Experimental a few days ago. But, we rolled back to 18.4 right away and everything has been working smoothly since. We have had no issue until today. 


I Tried The Following

Creating a profile on my machine. No effect
Joining another local game. Worked

Creating a new game local. Worked

Updated Graphics card. No effect

Restarted Steam and PC. No effect
Verified Local Files Through Steam. No Effect

Had server admin turn off persistent profile. No effect

Have admin login and try to teleport me while I am stuck in "Creating Player" screen. Did not work


Can I get this working without losing my progress?
Can I join the server as a new player and is there a cmd or other way for admin to give me my level (and skill points)? Gamestage?

Our server admin has a save point (about a week ago). Would restoring to that save point fix my issue?


Client 7D2D log


Server 7D2D log



Please Help. I love this game, but cannot deal with starting over or making all my buddies start over with me.


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Thank you SylenThunder. When you say "delete files and start over", do you mean me or everyone on the server? My buddies can get on the server and into the same game no problem. It is only my character that has a problem. 


Also, what files specifically?




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Your player files.

They're stored in the Player folder of the save. Identified by your Steam-64 ID.


For example, mine would be...




The .map file can be left alone, but the other two must go/be replaced.

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Ok. I assume these are on the server? 

Once I do this will my character be able to join the game existing game with my buddies?

Will my character lose all progress, skill points, etc.?


Is there a cmd that the server admin can use to give me a specific skill level and points to bring me back where I was?


Thanks again.


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Thanks for the quick help SylenThunder. It worked and I am back in. But, of course as new player. Just curious, has anyone ever made a debug tool for the player files? Is it even possible to correct the corruption of the file? In searching for a solution, it seems many folks have had the same problem. 


Thanks again.

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6 hours ago, FADDERALL said:

Thanks for the quick help SylenThunder. It worked and I am back in. But, of course as new player. Just curious, has anyone ever made a debug tool for the player files? Is it even possible to correct the corruption of the file? In searching for a solution, it seems many folks have had the same problem. 


Thanks again.

Around a14/a15 there was a player editor tool someone had mode. Unfortunately it was never updated past that. It kinda worked for changing some settings in a16, but was almost completely broken for a17. 

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