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A19 Double Horde


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Bug Report:


Day 7, I defeated the horde and was just waiting for dawn.  Found I needed to do something else and quit the game.  Came back in and waited a few minutes and suddenly a second horde attacked.  I survived, but defeating 2 hordes on day 7 seemed like a bug.


I now know NOT to quite while horde night is going, but it seems like a bug that I got a second horde just for exiting and coming back in.




PS: Steam/PC version b157, single player (PC gives consistent 60 fps).

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While I appreciate your viewpoint, something could cause a game interruption (like PC reboot or game crash) after the horde was taken care of.  I didn't have this situation, but it could happen.


As a result, at any level, I could face 2 hordes, the second of which comes when the defenses have already been beaten up by the first one.


I imagine there's some reason for this to prevent cheesing horde night by killing the app.  Wouldn't this easily be compensated for by simply having a flag that says horde completed?


Having to face 2 hordes (simply because I quit the game and restarted) seems like a bug, not a feature.



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