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Working SLI pofile ? anyone know of one ?


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Hi All,


Been many years since ive dabbled with SLI on this game, I had it working once upon a time (gtx1080 sli? from memory)


just wandering if anyone has or knows of a working profile ? would love to get the FPS up a bit and utilise the second card !



And also on this note, has there been any talk of getting the Vulkan side of the game running right ? and any on MGPU via Vulkan ?


Thanks all

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The game doesn't support SLI, and do note that increasing your resolution is going to tax your CPU a bit more than your GPU. Given the nature of voxels, and how SLI works, they really don't go together all that great.


There is a discussion that's been going of for a while about it though.


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Thanks mate appreciate the reply !


So your saying increasing my resolution is going to tax my CPU more ? in my experience and testing its been the other way around ? though i did find limiting the number of cores the game can use in A18 helped increase performance alot when at 1080p (though did next to nothing at 1440/4/5k)


Havent been able to set affinity on the fly on A19 though to check, however at 5k (ultrawide) im always GPU limited (gpus sitting on 100% all the time)


Thanks again for the reply and link.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the info, have gone through the thread and tested the SLI profile with exceptional results, in general +80% gain in frame rates with some other tweaking to my cpu (limited the game to 6 cores 6 threads) and its running amazingly !

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