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Please make a frame rate limit in the Graphics Settings menu


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Good day, DEV's. Could you make a frame rate limit in the Graphics Settings menu. 


Now most games already use this function (Counter-Strike Global Offensive, VALORANT, Call of Duty Modern Warfare, WarZone), and it can help maintain playable FPS, and prevent the computer from working at maximum power (average FPS for a comfortable game 60).


Some gamers computers are in boost mode and without frame restrictions go into wild overheating, and the maximum output result is correspondingly reduced. 


Lowering the FPS will enable the computer to maintain a stable temperature, and at the time of a sharp drawdown there will be a margin of power and temperature that will just make it possible to bypass the drop in frame rate without hanging.  


I will give an example: if you have vertical synchronization, you can limit the FPS on the monitor, but there are already 244 hertz), respectively, there will be 244 FPS. 


And this is how the computer heats up and even if you turn on the half and it will drop to 122 fps, but it does not allow the computer to cool down, since it works at full power and accordingly displays enormous heat, the energy that even water cooling does not cope with. 


Limiting the maximum frame rate will make it possible to play more smoothly and without a sharp drawdown in frame rate.

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