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Trade distance request

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Hey there- I've done tweaking my self for personal use on many of the xml files available but i seem to be stuck with this one, I'm not keen at traveling so far only to travel back so far for quests.. as it's inconvenient for me.. alas all the methods i've tried to shorten the distance make it only go to one place, while that's good.. i don't want it to be the same building everytime, would any of you have advice or know how to do such a thing?

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You always have to keep in mind how the game works when dealing with modding problems to have a better idea of what kind of solution would actually work.


So, if I understand correctly, you're trying to achieve that the trader will always (or at least most of the time) send you only to near locations. This problem has several aspects you have to consider. What kind of quests we are talking about? Is it the POI quests or buried supplies quests? If you are interested in shortening the distance in buried supplies quests, you would have to change those goto distances in quests.xml - preferably using xpath so that you don't mess up the original file. If you would like to change the distance in POI quests, then the problem is a bit more complex. You know, traders already are sending you to the closest POI - you can check it out yourself by examining quests.xml. The real problem with this is the actual location of the trader. If he doesn't have too many POIs near him, he won't be able to send you to any POI that is close enough and so you will have to travel way too far for your liking in order to finish the quest. The only solution here would be to change the world map so that the traders would spawn near the city. That way they will always have enough nearby POIs to send you to either clear out of zombies and/or fetch the courier's satchel from. If you don't want to mess with the world map manually, you could use Nitrogen to generate a new world with the option to let the traders spawn near the cities.

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