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Server Based Mods

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I'm new here, and tried the search function but did not come up with anything really so:


I'm looking for two server based mods for my friends and I to enjoy, one for health bars for zombies, and one if there is one for a server based "starter class" item pack that would be awesome too!





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Hi and welcome.


First of all, for discussions and requests, please use Discussions and Requests sub-section, because this Mods section as its name suggests is only for actual mod threads.


There's a lot of mods like the ones you're looking for, some of them are available conveniently through Mod Launcher.


If you just want to grab some mods, throw them in and play, you could try the following links.


For Starter Classes you could look here:


Valmar's Starter Class System



For Health bars, check out these links:


Snufkin's health bar



Telric's health bar


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Oh sorry, thanks for moving the thread!


I got Valmar's class starter system to work, but there are no images for the items such as the key, and class selection item in the hotbar at start. I feel like this might confuse some of my friends when they join. Is there any way to fix the icons? I've attached where they are in the mod folder of the server. I believe this is correct?


And I did get Snufkin's health bar to work, but really don't like the look of it as it's kind of hard to see depending on the lighting.


I can't get telric's to work. I load in, and nothing appears after landing a couple hits on them.


Any advice on how to get these working?




class system.PNG

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