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Botman server manager official support thread


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I have released several small updates recently and have also updated the github repo so you can see what's new.


Here's the changelog..


Fixed map permissions which were too high.

Fixed typo in inventory scanner that prevented banning for certain items. It was sending players to timeout instead.

Added auto fix for when the IRC alerts channel and watch channel get accidentally swapped (happened in panel).

Added terrainFiller and terrainRemove to the bad items list set to ban if found in player inventory.  It is a favourite tool of hackers lately.

The bot now reads the anticheat report every minute as a fallback method to catch hackers if live reporting fails for some reason.

Bans were not being loaded into the lua table bans after reading bans from the server which caused disagreement between the bans table and the in-memory lua table.

Improved handling of the anticheat report when the bot reads it.  It wasn't catching them all.  Do not invite the bot to play Pokemon.



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I have updated the command help on the botman website.


To save you trying to guess what's changed, here are all of the changes..


/set map colour FF0000 (red is the default colour)
Set the colour of reset regions on Alloc's web map.
Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

/enable/disable anticheat
Enable or disable the anticheat feature in the Botman mod.  Default is disabled.
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

/enable/disable mapping
Enable or disable plotting reset regions on Alloc's web map.
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

/make maze (default maze 20 x 20)
/make maze wall {block name} fill {air block} width {number} length {number} height {number} x {x coord} y {y coord} z {z coord}
The bot also accepts wide, long, and tall instead of width, length, and height.
The maze will generate with no roof.  If you want a roof add the word roof.
If you want a multi-level maze add levels {number}. Note: it will include a floor.
You will need to cut holes or make rooms yourself.
Generate and build a random maze.  Someone must stay there until the maze completes or it will fail to spawn fully.
Default values: wall steelBlock fill air width 20 length 20 height 3. It uses your current position for x, y and z if not given.
Note: width and length are multiplied by 2.
Restricted to owners, admins and mods in-game only

/enable (or /disable) pvp visit (default disabled)
Normally players cannot visit friends in pvp. They can if you enable this.
Restricted to owners, admins and mods in-game and IRC

/set p2p access {access level}
Restrict the /visit command to players at and above a bot access level.
Levels are 99 (everyone), 90 (everyone except new players), 10 (donors), 2 (mods), 1 (admins), 0 (owners).
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

/enable/disable linked waypoints (default enabled)
If disabled, players will not be able to link waypoints.  Also any non-admin existing linked waypoints will be unlinked.
Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

/enable/disable waypoints
Donors will be able to create, use and share waypoints.  To enable them for other players, set waypoints public.
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

/enable/disable bot colours (default enabled)
If you want something else managing chat colours you can stop the bot replacing them by disabling that feature with this command.
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC

/set pvp temp ban {minutes}
Set how long to temporarily ban a player after a pvp kill.
This is only used in PVE when there is no prison location.
Restricted to owners and admins in-game and IRC

/setup map
Optional extras after setup map: no hostiles, no animals, show players, show claims, show inventory
eg. /setup map no hostiles no animals show players show claims show inventory
The bot can fix your server map's permissions with some nice settings.  If you use this command, the following permissions are set:
web.map 2000
webapi.getlandclaims 1000
webapi.viewallplayers 2
webapi.viewallclaims 2
webapi.getplayerinventory 2
webapi.getplayerslocation 2
webapi.getplayersOnline 1000
webapi.getstats 1000
webapi.gethostilelocation 2000
webapi.getanimalslocation 2000
If setting no hostiles and/or no animals:
webapi.gethostilelocation 2
webapi.getanimalslocation 2
If setting show players, show claims, show inventory:
webapi.viewallplayers 1000
webapi.viewallclaims 1000
webapi.getplayerinventory 1000
Restricted to server owners in-game and IRC


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I have released a bugfix update that fixes a bug where the bot would sometimes spawn traders or other wrong entities.  This had previously been fixed but there were still 2 occasions where that fix wasn't being applied.  It could spawn wrong for some gimme prizes and for the admin command /hordeme.


To test it I had it randomly select 20,000 entities and sorted that in Excel.  I was able to confirm that it was not selecting traders and other entities that are flagged as do not spawn or that were not even on the bot's zombie entities list.


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SWEET!  The bot finally supports international characters (foreign stuffs) in chat to and from IRC and will also display foreign hen scratchings in game correctly.  I won't be able to read it but that's tough xD  Beforehand it was a bunch of garbage anyway so its an improvement! :D


It requires the latest Mudlet and must be set to UTF8.  I am in the process of upgrading all hosted bots.

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The bot is working on A19.  I currently get an error from Alloc's web map and his map isn't working, but bot chat works and ingame commands work.  I have a lot of testing to do but I am able to teleport so yay!  To get the bot working I did have to restart it.  Other than that I have temporarily removed the harmony dll from the managed folder and the only mod I have is Alloc's mod for A19


I am waiting on an updated Botman mod and I have messaged Alloc with the error I am getting from his map.  Hopefully I'll be able to release an A19 mods zip later today.


Looking promising so far.


Oh yeah forgot, since Alloc's map is erroring and the API is also the map, I had to tell the bot to use telnet.  I did that via IRC with the command use telnet.  You can also do that via the panel if you have that. 


For the impatient the latest Alloc's mod can be downloaded here  http://illy.bz/fi/7dtd/server_fixes.tar.gz

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I have created an a19 code branch.  I am currently fixing stuff.  So far I have found that the admin list console command output has changed and the bot isn't reading it successfully atm.  Fixing that now.


I have already updated the new a19 code branch with its first fixes.

The bot correctly parses admin list again and also if Allocs mod produces the error I am seeing atm, the bot switches automatically from API mode to telnet mode.

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Thanks to SylenThunder I now have a working copy of Allocs mod.  I have created a zip for the A19 Botman mods which currently does not include the updated Botman mod 😮 but that will change as soon as I have it myself.  The new zip is here  https://botman.nz/Botman_Mods_A19.zip


The map is working again which means the bot can be in API mode again.  If yours is in telnet mode you can switch it by typing /use api or on IRC just type use api, or on the panel just switch it over.  The panel rocks! ^^


I have released a dummy update for a18 that checks the version of the server.  If it is 19 the bot switches to the a19 code branch.  A second update will be required to actually install the a19 code.  That happens automatically but might not happen early.  You can force it by typing update code.

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I have updated the Botman mods zip for A19 (see link above).  It now has the Botman mod back, fully working in A19.  The extra dll, 0harmony.dll works too.  That goes in a different folder (in managed).


Enjoy! ^^

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Hi guys!


I have released an important update to the a19 code branch and I am preparing to backport some of it to the a18 branch.  It fixes issues with the shop and also massively boosts bot performance when starting up, fixing the shop or doing any shop maintenance or use of the shop.  This is a significant improvement as it completely removes a major performance bottleneck that occurred when the bot read and then processed all items known to the server.  It no longer saves or reads them to/from the database.  It was using a memory table but it caused the bot to 'freeze' for several minutes.  Now there is no observable delay at all. WIN!

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I have updated the A19 Botman mods zip with important bug fixes.  Please update your Botman mod dll.  It fixes issues with some of the prefab commands such as resetting a prefab and fixes some default values for a few settings.  The fixed Botman mod is version 2.1  If you have 2.0 you need this update.


I have contacted a few game hosts so they can update it in their mod managers.  They are Pingperfect, Hosthavoc and LogicServers.  They should have the update available soon.



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I have released a bugfix update to the a18 and a19 code branches.  There was a minor issue with a 1 block wide line at 0,0 both north-south and east-west that was excluded when north of 0,0 is different pvp/pve rules from south of 0,0  (just one example).  Now that 1 block line is included with north of 0,0 and excluded from south (and included east but excluded west).


Another bug fix concerned some cooldown timers on locations.  It was reporting crazy long cooldowns to players when the real cooldown was 30 minutes or some other delay that definitely wasn't 18 hours for example.  Now it is reporting correctly.  The actual cooldown was working properly.  This was just a display bug which was causing some players to ragequit.

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I have released a bugfix update to the a18 and a19 code branches which should fix a desync issue that has been reported between the panel and the bot.  I confirmed that I fixed it for donor waypoints being set via the panel and I found about 4-5 other things that were potentially effected by the same issue and applied the same fix to them.


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I have the next 3 days off (well ok technically 2 of them are called Saturday and Sunday) and I will be working on bot stuffs including investigating reported issues, fixing said issues and working on finishing stuffs. 


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I'm not sure if this just changed in today's A19 update but they finally fixed that spawn animation, blur effect and noise so that that only happens when you respawn after a death (which is how it should have been done since they added that years ago).  Now if you teleport none of that happens.  This is the case for players and admins.  This means that the bot's in-game tracking system works without those annoying effects happening.  You see clearly instantly and teleport silently.  HURRAH!  I told them to fix that years ago.


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I have updated the bot's github repo with recent bug fixes and changes.  Speaking of changes here is the changelog..


Bug fixes


Releasing a prisoner now zeroes their bail

Fixed an issue with the bot reporting to players crazy long wait times for cooldown timers when the real wait was less than an hour.

Fixed an issue where a line 1 block wide could exist between 2 parts of the map where on one side the rules were pve and on the other they were pvp.  Now North and East covers that extra block.

Fixed a bug in gimme where the randomly chosen zombie's entity id was wrong.

Fixed an issue where the panel would update a table and tell the bot to reload it but when the bot did that, the database was still returning the old data. 
Adding a 3 second delay allows the database to finish updating before the bot does the reload.

Fixed an issue where the bot would detect an anticheat entry and act on it a lot which caused tons of unnecessary spam.  Now it maintains a temporary table so that it only triggers if the steam id from the anticheat event hasn't been recorded yet.



/resettimers now resets all cooldowns for a player.  Previously it just reset base and gimme cooldowns.

Added shop to the options of things that can be restored from the bot's backups.

Replaced the spawnableItems table with a Lua table which is much faster since it only exists in memory.  It used to be a MySQL memory table but it caused significant delays of more than a minute every time the bot was asked to read the list if items known to the server.  Now that task takes about 1 second. As a result and to fix shop issues, I am now validating the shop items much more regularly which should ensure that the shop never contains items that can't be spawned.

When donors expire (the status not the people) the bot no longer wipes their waypoints.  Instead they won't be able to create new waypoints until they have deleted enough that they have less waypoints than their new non-donor max waypoints.

A19 introduced a small change to the output of admin list which meant the a18 code couldn't read it.  Now both a18 and a19 code branches can handle the old format and the new format, however if the bot detects the server running A19 and the bot is on the a18 code branch it will automatically switch to the a19 code branch to ensure that it doesn't miss any future A19 only code changes.

The bot reads the Botman mod's config file.  Now the config file's setting will replace some settings in the bot such as the bot's name, chat hidden state, command prefix and the state of the anticheat system.

Attempted bug fixes


Occasionally a player can be reset by the bot as if they were new which causes a lot of gnashing of teeth and stuff.  The bot now counts the number of times the steam id appears in the events table and if there are more than 3 it will not initialise the player as new.  Hopefully that fixes that issue.

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The Botman mod zip has been updated with Botman mod version 2.1.4 (note: A19 only)



If your server is hosted with Pingperfect, HostHavoc or LogicServers they should have the updated mod now.


- Fixed clans invite now works 100% all functional
- bm-unlockall now unlocks all crates including the text labeled ones now.
- safe zones This is the bots mark/fill/dig etc command updated.
- pblock this is the bots mark/fill/dig command updated hopefully fixes few peoples previous issue with starting from 1 block to the east.


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yes its that simple.  you can change its size once you have created the location, you can move locations too, you can set a bail amount and a max prison timer (if no timer, prisoners just rot there till released).   If your server is mixed pvp/pve, only pvp kills in pve are sent to prison.  The 2 exceptions to this are staff are never jailed and if a pvp occurs where one player is in pvp and the other player is in pve, the bot will count it as an allowed pvp to prevent pvp players camping pve players with impunity.


Now for something off topic 😮


A few peeps have been very interested a game that I have played for years and have recently got back into when I need to relax.  It is called The Dark Mod and is a Thief game that is very faithful to the original Thief games.  It is 100% fan made, has lots of missions and you can make missions too!  Before I got into multiplayer games I was a big fan of solo stealth games and still am :D

As a bonus this game is 100% free and 100% awesome! xD


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1 hour ago, Smegzor said:

yes its that simple.  you can change its size once you have created the location, you can move locations too, you can set a bail amount and a max prison timer (if no timer, prisoners just rot there till released).   If your server is mixed pvp/pve, only pvp kills in pve are sent to prison.  The 2 exceptions to this are staff are never jailed and if a pvp occurs where one player is in pvp and the other player is in pve, the bot will count it as an allowed pvp to prevent pvp players camping pve players with impunity.


Thank you!

And sorry one more question... how do you activate /claim vote?

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