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Rabbit Of Caerbannog


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You're correct, the rabbit doesn't spawn very often currently and only does so based on certain internal game stage numbers being reached. The mod was initially so it would spawn in caves (like 50/50 chance or something) and when I found out caves had been removed (temporarily?) I just threw in something so it would be uncommon and slightly controlled (gated by gamestages).



I've been playing a game with all my mods, and a lot of others, and I haven't seen it either. Its likely that if it does spawn as part of a horde it might just hop away and not track like the Z's. I think animals/Z's will be despawned if you leave the area for too long so it might just disappear. Since I do hope caves come back, I'd like to keep the "core behavior" of the mod to be "the rabbit is rare and unexpected" because, quite frankly, its kind of a killing machine if it spots you first.



I would like to fight it "naturally" as a way to test it out in my own game. I'll see if I can cobble together an "override" mod that will cause it to spawn more often for those who want it to be more of a menace :) When I post it all you'll need to do is add this override modlet to your existing Mods folder with the existing one, and I don't think it will mess up an existing game. It shouldn't take long

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Annnnd...a new modlet is born (awww!)

Makes rabbit spawn more frequently but not super high though, mostly < 2% or less chance of spawning normally. Low chances where regular animals spawn, higher chances (up to 7%) in the wastelands. Spawns in some hordes.


Added to my modlets page in the forums: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?144915-Doughs-modlets

Which links to Github: https://github.com/doughphunghus/Doughs-RabbitOfCaerbannog-SpawnsALot/releases


I did not test this much, just proved it spawns in the wastelands/loads properly. If you try it out let me know if its "too much" or "too little" spawning. All feedback/testing/results is welcome!

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  • 2 months later...
changed their color back to normal to confuse players for the next 24 hrs April Fools


Thanks for "testing" it on 18.4 (I'll update the docs). I honestly would never have thought of this idea :) I could see myself watching a rabbit running towards me and thinking "this is my lucky day!"


FYI: I have another modlet which causes it to spawn a lot more frequently if you haven't loaded it (still not very frequently unless you're in the rock + metal biome). You mentioned you loaded "them" and I'm hoping you meant this additional modlet.

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