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Is there a mod for having multiple passangers in the vehicles?


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Hello fellow survivors,


As the title says is there a way to put a mod on to add extra people to vehicles like 2 for the motorcycle and 4 for the jeep. I know there was a mod for this in 17 but did it ever get moved to 18 or does anyone have a mod that will do this?


Thanks in advance,

Have Fun and Keep ON Survivng,


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Hello fellow survivors,


As the title says is there a way to put a mod on to add extra people to vehicles like 2 for the motorcycle and 4 for the jeep. I know there was a mod for this in 17 but did it ever get moved to 18 or does anyone have a mod that will do this?


Thanks in advance,

Have Fun and Keep ON Survivng,



Highope made one: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?109893-Highope-s-Modlets

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