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schematic does not unlock an item

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I hope this is poested in the right forum please move to proper forum if it is not.


I added sticky dynamite to the game. When i did this i tied it into the same perk and schematic as dynamite. When i tested it in the prefab editor it worked and unlocked fine. When i went to try this on an existing server i noticed that if you already have dynamite unlocked it will not unlock sticky dynamite when you read the schematic again. Im pretty sure if a new player tried it it would work fine as they would have neither unlocked. Is there anyway to forget the dynamite recipe or force learn the sticky recipe for the few players who unlocked this before it was added?

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I'll just give the lines that are important for this, perhaps you forgot something.


1. in recipes.xml:

<recipe name="BulletTipMold" count="1" craft_time = "8.0" tags="learnable">



2. items.xml, in schematic:

<item name="ammunitionNationBook">

<property name="Unlocks" value="nitroPowder"/>




<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfSecondaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="BulletTipMold" operation="set" value="1"/>



3. items.xml, in unlocked items:

<item name="BulletTipMold">

<property name="UnlockedBy" value="ammunitionNationBook"/>





(sorry - about unlocks via perks, and serviceability for multiplayer - i can't say anything)

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