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Farming plot relocation


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Guys plots are not that easy to craft at start,

it's really important to retrieve them if you want to move your base o just want to redesig it.


In the end even from the "realism" perspective these are only big wooden boxes filled with earth!

(Though disabling the pick-up if seeds are planted or any block present on the top of them is ok)




I LOVE the simplicity of farming now, the seeds relocation is just sweet if you want to move crops etc.. easy and clean!




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You are correct.


OP, just grab a shovel and 'destroy' the plot you want to move (harvest the plant and/or seed first, just to be safe) and it will return to your inventory ready to be placed elsewhere.



nice to know xD have to move up 40 plots to place 2 layers of cement :D


sorry for noobness..

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Notably, per one of the A18 patches, there are now 2 different farm plot blocks.


The craftable ones, which can be dug up and moved around (doesn't even require a land claim)


and the uncraftable ones, which are part of POIs. They can still be planted on, but if dug up, yield only clay soil. Useful if you want to get a jump start on farming in extreme early game without crafting farm plots, but they prevent players from gaining access to mass farm plots for in-base farming simply by looting a few choice POIs.


So in short....for farm plots: if you placed it, you can dig and relocate. If it's part of a preexisting POI, you can't dig it up.

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