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Laser guided zombies - our 14th day A18


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This is not a complaint, just a story of how three guys were outsmarted by some zombies.


Our player made base isn't done yet, and the 14th was upon us. We decided the 2nd level of the hospital in Diersvill would be better. We spent the last two days making ammo, mines, spikes, junk turret ammo, etc. We knocked out all the stairs, and used concrete to block off all of the hallways on the second floor, the plan being to shoot down through the hole in the floor above the main lobby. We intentionally left the front doors open to give the zombies a nice, inviting way to come in.


The 14th night falls, and we hear them start running our direction, but oddly, not a single one came in through the open doors. Within about 10 seconds, a concrete wall on the second floor breaks open, and a mass of Z's come pouring in. We survived about 30 seconds. Turns out, we missed a set of stairs, and they broke through 3 separate walls to make their way to us. I suspect that if we were to try the same area again, they'd find another route we wouldn't expect.


Ahh well, there's always the 21st. *dun duuun duuuuuun!*

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Hah, yeah, been there.. the key is to make Sure you know your setup. With some cobble+concrete, a garage ceiling will become safer than any random big POI, if you don't have the time to really know all the passages. And it's pretty darn easy to miss something like a dumpster the zombies can climb on to get just that one necessary level higher.

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That's the reason why in self made bases you are best served with walls that either have spaces between pillars or consist of blocks of the type that zombies can't really climb (poles or the like). Else they will eventually build their own stairs, no matter if stairs and cupboards and tables and everything is knocked out a level below.

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