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Should I buy 7DTD in 2019!!!


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Do not buy this game for consoles... The company that was developing the console version went bankrupt. The original PC version on the other hand is doing great... that's the one you want. Just make sure your computer can handle it cuz it's a pig on resources.

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Also on the Xbox I've seen enough posts where they constantly get hit by a MD5 error, that basically resets their game.


Not on Xbox, so can't say for sure. But haven't had an issue on the PS4.


If you've been watching YouTube videos on the game, then chances are you are seeing modern alphas of the game, and not where the console was left behind. Consoles from my understanding was mostly Alpha 15 with very small tid bits of A16. PC is now in the beginning stages of Alpha 18.


Long story short, Telltale had the rights to publish the game on consoles, went under. Nothing has been said (of actual importance) regarding any future with the game, and we don't even know who actually owns the console right's now. There are quite a few threads with this discussion though, so if you're curious, hit the console sections.

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