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help with installation of mods on contracted server


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Hello, I need help with the issue of installing mods on a contracted server, I am new to this and I do not understand if it is the same procedure to install mods both on the hired server and if you create the server on your PC, I see that when you create your pc the server put the files in a folder called mods within the files of the steam game, but to install it on the server I do not see information about it, can you help me on this topic? a greeting.

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I have hired a nitrado server, so I create a folder called mods and inside it I have to put the mods?

another question, the mods usually have the same modified file, if so I should put the files inside the folder mods the loose files, or as they come with their routes? I mean, when you unzip the mod it comes for example in folders with the routes like data, config, etc ... should I put them with those routes or just the single files? Thanks for your help and for answering friend, regards.

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Ah, ya, so if the mod has folders like "data" and "config" you would merge those on your server, just like you would on a local install. Some mods have a "server" version of the mod which differs from the client version.


What mod are you trying to install?

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