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[MOD] Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival


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i found the bookstore in the city. city is surrounded with daytime running feral and (if i am not mistaken) burning zombies, also dogs.


however i managed to slip inside the city with a stone axe and some 50 stones for repair. surviving in the city is not my goal but finding any book. i keep dying and heading back to city consistently ... till i find a forge book.

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That's determined by the game options. I recommend that it be played without loot respawn, and that's the way I always play it myself, but you can set it as you please.


Personally, I think that option really detracts from the experience, especially with the biome progression changes I've been making recently that really give you a reason to go out and explore, but whatever floats your boat :)


One thing that I have added to our server is that the garbage bags go "poof" after they are looted. This is kind of a middle ground between full loot respawn and no loot respawn.

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however i managed to slip inside the city with a stone axe and some 50 stones for repair. surviving in the city is not my goal but finding any book. i keep dying and heading back to city consistently ... till i find a forge book.


That's likely a rather poor tactic. You're going to be stripping your wellness away and making later survival very difficult. Also: finding a forge book doesn't help much. You need several different books to make use of a forge, and once you have them, you've essentially beaten the game and may as well stop playing.


Forge is end game content, not beginning. I suspect you'll have a far better time if you try to play the game rather than exploit it. You're essentially trying to skip everything in the mod, so not much point playing it then.


One thing that I have added to our server is that the garbage bags go "poof" after they are looted. This is kind of a middle ground between full loot respawn and no loot respawn.


Yeah, in a multiplayer environment I can see some kind of respawn mechanic and/or air drops being reasonable. In single player though, which is pretty much what I am focusing on with this mod, they suck pretty hard IMO :)

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.32 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


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This release contains the following changes:


-Added new buffs for consuming protein, vegetables, and starch which will slowly improve your wellness over time and which can be possessed in combination, making a balanced diet the most beneficial to your overall health. Note that you won't received these benefits if you have some kind of sickness buff like dysentery or an infection. No cows or dairy products in the game so I guess we'll stick with 3 food groups for now ;)


-Changed (increased) the resolution of the wellness gain from vitamins so that it occurs in smaller increments at greater frequency (same total overall). Also changed them so that it doesn't apply if you're otherwise ill, like the food bonuses above.


-Changed rotting flesh to have 100% chance of food poisoning and a decent chance of infection.


-Changed food poisoning to reset its countdown if you become poisoned again while you already have it.


-Changed skull caps and baseball caps so that they can be repaired with cloth.


-Removed the instant wellness gain from various food types and antibiotics as it was too easily exploitable. This has largely been replaced by the "food groups" wellness gains above.


-Removed the small wellness penalty from drinking coffee as it was too small to be intuitive.


Enjoy! :)

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Flowerchild what is the technique (or tools) you are using for applying your changes to newer 7dtd releases?


I'm curious to know... maybe you got some automated search/replacing patching? or is just file comparing and manually re-editing the changes?

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Flowerchild what is the technique (or tools) you are using for applying your changes to newer 7dtd releases?


I'm curious to know... maybe you got some automated search/replacing patching? or is just file comparing and manually re-editing the changes?


It's a combination of my own techniques that I've evolved over developing multiple mods, which involves me commenting changes in a particular manner (you can see that in the .xml files if you search on "FCMOD") so that everything is easily identifiable, and using WinMerge on the new versions of the files when they are released. I manually evaluate each change, and manually accept it, but that's generally just a lot of hotkey pressing unless something jumps out at me as needing particular attention.


You'll notice when I change stuff, I always leave the original intact and commented out so that WinMerge will highlight any changes in the original for me, so I can know if I have to adapt my own code to match.


It's still a hassle, but much less that it could be if I didn't have a system in place. Big updates to like the first version of Alpha 11 are still a pain due to just the volume of changes I have to review, and thus might take a couple of hours as I review everything, but the smaller updates usually only take me a few minutes.

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You're essentially trying to skip everything in the mod, so not much point playing it then.


you've changed my approach to this mod. my only problem with your relax and enjoy the game way is night survival in this mod. i did everything yet hordes hunt me all the time. appreciate if you can provide some tips on night survival `for this mod`

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you've changed my approach to this mod. my only problem with your relax and enjoy the game way is night survival in this mod. i did everything yet hordes hunt me all the time. appreciate if you can provide some tips on night survival `for this mod`


Well, you absolutely need to find shelter before night sets in, and elevate yourself off the ground. Multistory houses/businesses are of course preferable, but even climbing on the roof of a shed can get you through in a pinch.


Early game your options for building are extremely limited. You can chop down trees for whole logs, but that takes an awful lot of time with a stone axe, and they aren't self-supporting (they need to have a block below them or they're destroyed). You can stack furniture (sofas, chairs, etc.), but they are generally very weak, and also aren't self supporting. So, preexisting structures are really the way to go initially, and very early game is largely a matter of time management to try and find shelter before the first night falls and not spend too much time crafting or exploring. If for example you spend your first day obsessed with trying to make a bow and arrows, it stands a good chance of getting you killed.


First day I'm usually trying to put together a stone axe, then a club, then a spiked club, and a bandage in there somewhere, but pretty much moving the entire time looking for shelter, just stopping briefly to hack grass or what have you when my stamina is full.


Like I mentioned in the recent release notes, early game you'll want to stick to biomes with lots of life in them, as I've added a progressive difficulty scale to different biomes, so try to stick to non-snowy forests and such until you're a few days in and have your basic equipment (spiked club, bow & arrow, cloth armor, etc.) before trying to explore the more difficult ones. The more difficult the biome, the better the POIs and loot you'll find, so you'll want to move towards them, but take it slow. Grasslands biomes are a good second place to go.


If I could, I'd like to restrict spawn locations so you always start in a forest, but given I don't currently have that level of modding capacity, if you spawn in something other than a forest, I suggest running until you find one ;)


That's all I could think of off the top of my head. General point though: don't go out at night :)

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[**** NEW RELEASE ****]


Version 1.33 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


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This release contains the following changes:


-Added spider zombies back to night hordes, as their removal severely undermined vertical defense gameplay.


-Changed the zombies that spawn in caves to spider zombies (exclusively) as a thematic element.


-Changed (reduced) the overall amount of bottled water found in loot as there wasn't enough early game pressure to establish a water supply to really make hydration relevant.


-Changed (reduced) the overall amount of clothing found in dressers, and tweaked their overall balance, as clothing was over saturated in the early game and devaluing cloth overall.


-Changed pop'n'pills cabinets to contain a bit more in the way of rare medical items, to make finding such a store more rewarding.


-Changed (increased) the crafting time on plant fibers.


-Removed empty jars from trash loot as they were rapidly stockpiling to the point of irrelevance.


Enjoy! :)

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Version 1.33 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


Sweet! I will be doing a playthrough very shortly. Been messing around in Vanilla - and GTA 5 - a bit too much of late. Need me some quality progression that isn't found in a trash heap or is a funny lock-shaped thing that goes away at a completely arbitrary time :)

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Sweet! I will be doing a playthrough very shortly. Been messing around in Vanilla - and GTA 5 - a bit too much of late.


GTA V is definitely a valid reason. I've yet to play it, but have been eying it longingly for awhile now :)


Need me some quality progression that isn't found in a trash heap or is a funny lock-shaped thing that goes away at a completely arbitrary time :)


I'm actually really happy with how the last few releases of BTGB have turned out man, hence why I've been so eager to get some quality feedback on it. At a certain point I kinda had to tear myself away from my most recent game as I was getting seriously lost in it.


When the pimps opened up a certain amount of modability with regards to POI's in Alpha 11, they opened up a lot of potential with regards to increasing rewards for increasingly difficult biomes, and I had a lot of fun tapping into that :)

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[**** NEW RELEASE ***]


Version 1.34 of Better Than Giant Bees is ready for download!


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This release contains the following changes:


-Updated the mod to version 11.3 of 7 Days to Die.


-Removed changes made in 11.3 to reduce the spawning frequency of hordes.


Enjoy! :)




Note: I ran a few tests and 11.3 also seems to have corrected the chunk-generation errors I was previously reporting. Good news there as well :)

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GTA V is definitely a valid reason. I've yet to play it, but have been eying it longingly for awhile now :)


Eeeeh. It's interesting but uh, I dunno, kinda lacking somehow. It's pretty-ish, and lacks the delayed-load-in problem that GTA IV had (mostly), and the character interactions are kinda interesting, but I feel like they kinda hit their peak with Vice City. Maybe it's just that the gritty realism and seriousness doesn't seem to mesh well with the silliness and mayhem.. I dunno.


EDIT: There's no replacement for evaluating it for yourself, so if you want to try it out, give it a whirl ;) (and if not, that's cool too, it's been something I've been meaning to do for a while and I don't have to pay rent this month thanks to the move hehe)


I'm actually really happy with how the last few releases of BTGB have turned out man, hence why I've been so eager to get some quality feedback on it. At a certain point I kinda had to tear myself away from my most recent game as I was getting seriously lost in it.


Well, I got a bunch of crap out of the way for tonight, and I've been holding off on the caffeine, so it looks like it's some BTGB time :)


When the pimps opened up a certain amount of modability with regards to POI's in Alpha 11, they opened up a lot of potential with regards to increasing rewards for increasingly difficult biomes, and I had a lot of fun tapping into that :)


I'm definitely looking forward to it :)

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Eeeeh. It's interesting but uh, I dunno, kinda lacking somehow. It's pretty-ish, and lacks the delayed-load-in problem that GTA IV had (mostly), and the character interactions are kinda interesting, but I feel like they kinda hit their peak with Vice City. Maybe it's just that the gritty realism and seriousness doesn't seem to mesh well with the silliness and mayhem.. I dunno.


Well, one of my favorite things about IV was the vehicle physics (which I know they toned down in V, which is probably the reason I haven't gotten to playing it yet), so I don't think I'm on the silliness side of the spectrum when it comes to GTA. I play Saints Row when I'm in the mood for that :)



Well, I got a bunch of crap out of the way for tonight, and I've been holding off on the caffeine, so it looks like it's some BTGB time :)


Awesome! I actually decided to play it today as well, and am having a blast so far :)

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Awesome! I actually decided to play it today as well, and am having a blast so far :)


Me too. A little rough on the old ticker, but definitely exciting. I've found two POIs so far - one with a house and two sheds (and a forging ahead book), and following a couple of days of exploring to more dangerous areas that I've put off till later (wasteland and snow), I found a Shamway store and a general store (and the first home improvement book in the general store). Loot is accumulating at an appropriate pace (although I seem to have a lot of moldy breads?), unlike the "shut up and take our money, er, I mean loot!" from vanilla.


I'm liking this progress so far, and the nice bite-sized POIs. I should really read the changelog carefully though as some things have changed since my last BTGB playthrough :)


Takin' a break now, as I do have to go to bed at some point soon. Tension is fully intact and had some rather alarming situations crop up, keepin' the adrenaline flowin'. Hehe


I'll be picking it up tomorrow again. Thumbs up so far! :)

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I'm liking this progress so far, and the nice bite-sized POIs. I should really read the changelog carefully though as some things have changed since my last BTGB playthrough :)


Not sure it will tell you much, as I intentionally left out a lot about the progression from the change logs to leave some room for player discovery ;)


The very small POIs are just the forest biomes BTW, with increasingly dangerous ones having increasingly large POI's, along with special stores and such. Risk/reward and all that :)


I'll be picking it up tomorrow again. Thumbs up so far! :)


Cool stuff man. If I can drop a little hint: make a blunderbuss once you can, despite whatever vanilla experiences you may have had with them being largely useless. They've been rebalanced in the mod, and I find them invaluable for dealing with some of the more "interesting" situations you may encounter ;)


They take a little practice to get used to, but can get you out of some really nasty situations and make a most satisfying "kerboom" :)

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Something to be cautious about is if you're walking along the banks of a river, or actually even near a river and the biome across from you happens to be wasteland/burnt you can run into ferals on your side of the river. I know that's probably not something that can be helped. But just as a word of warning to anyone else, stay well away from those biomes early on out.

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Something to be cautious about is if you're walking along the banks of a river, or actually even near a river and the biome across from you happens to be wasteland/burnt you can run into ferals on your side of the river. I know that's probably not something that can be helped. But just as a word of warning to anyone else, stay well away from those biomes early on out.


Even if it could be helped, I think I like it ;)


Having a fixed border with the rivers makes the biomes feel far less organic than they could IMO. I like the way they bleed over to the opposite bank as it brings an element of ambiguous fear to approaching the edge of the wasteland, or other dangerous biomes for that matter.


I've almost been caught by it myself a few times, as those ruined buildings on the edges make for tempting looting targets early on ;)


Having said that, I would like to have more control over the spawn locations you start out in. Right now, you can definitely spawn in some patently unfair situations on occasion. Would also love to be able to advance time to the next morning on death, as respawning at night is a death sentence.

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The very small POIs are just the forest biomes BTW, with increasingly dangerous ones having increasingly large POI's, along with special stores and such. Risk/reward and all that :)


Awesome! I can dig risk/reward :)


(assuming they don't get too big anyhow. I'm totally on the same page as you re: endless looting)


Cool stuff man. If I can drop a little hint: make a blunderbuss once you can, despite whatever vanilla experiences you may have had with them being largely useless. They've been rebalanced in the mod, and I find them invaluable for dealing with some of the more "interesting" situations you may encounter ;)


I'll give that a try today. Busy cleaning/packing this morning, but I try to avoid doin' that in the evening so as to not disturb other tenants, so I'll be hittin' it up again today. :)


By the way, I have to say I'm rather impressed with the change in feel for the game. Using only XML changes, you've changed it from "Zombie Hunter 2015: Rambo Edition" to, well, a post apocalyptic zombie horror survival game.

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By the way, I have to say I'm rather impressed with the change in feel for the game. Using only XML changes, you've changed it from "Zombie Hunter 2015: Rambo Edition" to, well, a post apocalyptic zombie horror survival game.


Thanks man :)


Yeah, that's definitely what I've been going for. I think it's somewhat similar to MC here where I'm trying very hard to capture and maintain that "first night" feel when you first boot up the game, don't know how everything works, and still think that survival is a thing you need to worry about.


It looks like the Pimps are starting to build in support for code mods as well, with this last release having done so for the server. I suspect it will be along similar lines to KSP with little ability to modify the underlying code, but with the ability to add stuff on top of it, and there are definitely a few things I really want to do in that regard.


Get bees back to something more similar to their old AI behavior for example, so that they're actually a threat and a reason to keep a roof over your head. Also get spider zombies back to actively trying to scale your walls as that seems to have been lost along the way too.


One of the things that impressed me about 7 Days early on was that a lot of thought seemed to have been put into vertical defense gameplay, but with both the changes in behavior that have occurred, and the removal of spider zombies as a serious consideration in all but the most rare of circumstances with the last release, I'm really beginning to wonder if that was the case or if it was just a fairly random combination of behaviors that coincidentally served that purpose. As far as I can tell, nobody seems particularly concerned that vertical defense gameplay, and a lot of the incentive to build that came with it, were essentially lost from the game along the way.


Anyways, looking forward to gaining the ability to get some of that back, as there's only so much I can do through the .xml files :)

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Yeah, that's definitely what I've been going for. I think it's somewhat similar to MC here where I'm trying very hard to capture and maintain that "first night" feel when you first boot up the game, don't know how everything works, and still think that survival is a thing you need to worry about.


Well, you've certainly done that. I'm into day 5 and still feelin' the survival burn. in Vanilla, around that time, I'm usually just looking to finish my first flawless weapon, or upgrading the inner ring of log spikes to scrap iron level.


Some things came to mind during my play though:

- I've only found four healing items total (two of those first aid bandages, and two painkillers - might just be bad luck though)

- I've not found any oil (don't need it yet, mind you, but of the three central POIs I've found, there's only been like an entire single car...full of shovels)

- I've found huge amounts of moldy bread.


Rest of it seems spot-on though.


Get bees back to something more similar to their old AI behavior for example, so that they're actually a threat and a reason to keep a roof over your head. Also get spider zombies back to actively trying to scale your walls as that seems to have been lost along the way too.


Agreed - bees are basically just an annoying noise in the background now, rather than any serious threat. My last vanilla base was actually a completely open firing platform at the top. I didn't even bother making bars and a ceiling. Before in A9, you could easily get swarmed to death by five or six bees during the feral horde if you used an open top concept... now, they're mobile honey dispensers. One youtuber called them "food delivery". An apt name, although incredibly disappointing.


I'm not sure what happened to the spiders, I suspect it's partly a bug (I've noticed that they don't always try to climb, but sometimes they do, so it could very well be just some sort of flaw that they fail to recognize the wall). I have to say, I don't like them appearing with just regular zombies as spawn, but I wish they'd been kept in the feral/night hordes to scale defenses..and also because they're extra-creepy at night (that skitter..those spindly limbs..).


I'm really beginning to wonder if that was the case or if it was just a fairly random combination of behaviors that coincidentally served that purpose.


That latter bit could very well be the case. I'm a bit suspicious of.. well, just about anything, and that's usually the first thought that crosses my mind for most products. "Is this cool effect a feature....or serendipity?" :/


Anyways, looking forward to gaining the ability to get some of that back, as there's only so much I can do through the .xml files :)


Ditto :)

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Well, you've certainly done that. I'm into day 5 and still feelin' the survival burn. in Vanilla, around that time, I'm usually just looking to finish my first flawless weapon, or upgrading the inner ring of log spikes to scrap iron level.


Thanks man! One thing I'll note though: I realized last night that iron tools were made completely (and I do mean completely) nuts by the quality system introduced in Alpha 11. I got to the point where I could forge my own, and started demolishing structures and breaking into safes in record time in true "wtf" fashion, and today I dug into the numbers to see that the Pimps had amplified them with quality to totally insane levels.


I basically just did a balance pass on all the tool and melee weapon numbers in the game as a result, so if you're getting to forging your own tools, I highly recommend holding off to the next release, which I should be putting out pretty shortly after a bit of play testing.


I'm also almost at the Day 21 hoard (I think I'm on 20) which I'd like to play through before releasing to see if any tweaks to the feral horde that I've heard attacks you are in order ;)


- I've only found four healing items total (two of those first aid bandages, and two painkillers - might just be bad luck though)


I think that's luck. I actually boosted healing item availability in a recent release to make up for the decreased number of POIs. Also, if you're in desperate need of healing items, I suggest checking out some more dangerous biomes to try and find yourself a pharmacy ;)


- I've not found any oil (don't need it yet, mind you, but of the three central POIs I've found, there's only been like an entire single car...full of shovels)


Yeah, agreed that I may need to tweak that as I think I've only found a single bottle in my 20 days. Keep in mind though that the blunderbuss only requires metal strips to repair, not a weapon repair kit, so you'll likely be quite advanced before needing any.


Having said that, I may try to see if there are any garage-specific loot containers that I might be able to add more to. I don't think there are, but lockers may serve the same purpose, and given they're only available in abundance in very tough biomes (burnt forest & wasteland), that sounds pretty reasonable to me.


- I've found huge amounts of moldy bread.


I'm not sure I've noticed this much myself, but does it really matter? They're basically a junk item until you can make your own antibiotics, and after that point it doesn't seem reasonable to me to gate the player's ability to make them on the availability of moldy bread.


Rest of it seems spot-on though.


Thanks :)


I got hoisted on my own petard last night, killed in a snow biome with some of my most valuable equipment on me consisting of pretty much all the iron and leather I had accumulated over 20 days (having a hell of a time getting back to my body too), but man, was it ever an awesome and totally panic inducing experience :)


I've made a few additional revisions since the last release that I think you'll really appreciate too. Like I think I've succeeded in making hydration an ongoing concern instead of just a mild nuisance. Also made a number of tweaks to the "4 food groups" (more like 3) system I added a couple of releases ago. That one was largely an experiment to see if it would work well, and IMO, it really does. I'm finding it's bringing a lot of interesting considerations to what you eat and when, instead of just downing everything you find as you find it, which is playing nicely off of the overall survival vibe.


Agreed - bees are basically just an annoying noise in the background now, rather than any serious threat. My last vanilla base was actually a completely open firing platform at the top. I didn't even bother making bars and a ceiling. Before in A9, you could easily get swarmed to death by five or six bees during the feral horde if you used an open top concept... now, they're mobile honey dispensers. One youtuber called them "food delivery". An apt name, although incredibly disappointing.


Yeah, it's pretty depressing. As much as I hate the bees thematically, I never would have dreamed of ripping them out with the mod as they served an incredibly valuable gameplay purpose in terms of vertical defense considerations. It's sad that the pimps seem to have effectively removed that anyways, while leaving the poor thematic part in place.


I'm not sure what happened to the spiders, I suspect it's partly a bug (I've noticed that they don't always try to climb, but sometimes they do, so it could very well be just some sort of flaw that they fail to recognize the wall). I have to say, I don't like them appearing with just regular zombies as spawn, but I wish they'd been kept in the feral/night hordes to scale defenses..and also because they're extra-creepy at night (that skitter..those spindly limbs..).


I don't have them spawning with regular zombies in BTGB, just as part of night hordes, down in caves (which occurred to me as a cool thematic element giving a hint of explanation as to where they're coming from), as well as being "scouts" (which I don't think I have any control over in the .xmls, which is too bad as I'd like to tweak that aspect some).


And yeah, since I reenabled them for night time, even with the buggy AI where they only scale walls a very small portion of the time, I've wound up almost being killed by them on a couple of occasions when I've sought shelter on a rooftop out of desperation.


Again...no idea what the Pimps were thinking when they restricted them to *only* being scouts. They're basically the equivalent of spiders in MC, which provides the whole gameplay justifications for building crenelations, and again, to worry about vertical defense in general. Acting just as scouts, it's exceedingly unlikely that they can continue to serve that gameplay role, even if the AI were fixed.


That latter bit could very well be the case. I'm a bit suspicious of.. well, just about anything, and that's usually the first thought that crosses my mind for most products. "Is this cool effect a feature....or serendipity?" :/


Yeah, I think I tend to assume intent, and often times wind up disappointed down the road when what I thought was genius wind up just being a combination of random factors that ends up getting dismantled ;)


On the bright side though: I'm always sitting in the background taking notes on those decisions I may mistakingly perceive as genius for future use :)

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Thanks man! One thing I'll note though: I realized last night that iron tools were made completely (and I do mean completely) nuts by the quality system introduced in Alpha 11. I got to the point where I could forge my own, and started demolishing structures and breaking into safes in record time in true "wtf" fashion, and today I dug into the numbers to see that the Pimps had amplified them with quality to totally insane levels.


Yeah. The high end stuff (600 quality) tops out at 12 block damage, vs 1 or 2 in A10, but the modifiers are unchanged from A10. I like that the quality affects the effectiveness, but it's a range of 2-12 for iron tools and I think 1-6 for the stone.. which is not only crazy, but also means that a purple stone tool is just as good as a mid-range iron tool :/


I basically just did a balance pass on all the tool and melee weapon numbers in the game as a result, so if you're getting to forging your own tools, I highly recommend holding off to the next release, which I should be putting out pretty shortly after a bit of play testing.


Not yet :) I think the only thing I'm missing is that pottery book. The clay block -> clay lump ones. I have found two forge aheads, the metalworking one (I forget the title, but it had like the iron pickaxe and fireaxe and such in it), ah.. I think a leatherworking book, and a MacDuyver's I found after drilling laboriously though a gunsafe I found in an attic overnight (had nothing better to do ;) ). Currently in the morning of Day 11, waitinf or the sun to rise..


I think that's luck. I actually boosted healing item availability in a recent release to make up for the decreased number of POIs.


Yeah, it definitely was. After writing that, the health items started trickling in, and then I got a big lump recently.


Yeah, agreed that I may need to tweak that as I think I've only found a single bottle in my 20 days. Keep in mind though that the blunderbuss only requires metal strips to repair, not a weapon repair kit, so you'll likely be quite advanced before needing any.


As an update on that status, I now have two guns. A mid-range pistol, about half durability, and a completely used up hunting rifle. I found the pistol in a bag in the wild..and the rifle more recently... I forget where though. It was indoors (but might have also been a bag). I just crafted a blunderbuss as well, haven't fired it though.


I'm not sure I've noticed this much myself, but does it really matter? They're basically a junk item until you can make your own antibiotics, and after that point it doesn't seem reasonable to me to gate the player's ability to make them on the availability of moldy bread.


Well, it depends on how edible they are. I seem to recall you buffing up the food poisoning effect so that it's more than just a minor irritation, but I can't recall and I don't want to find out the hard way :) (that was my concern, I'm fine with the BTGB antibiotic gating system in place. Much more sensible than vanilla)


I've made a few additional revisions since the last release that I think you'll really appreciate too. Like I think I've succeeded in making hydration an ongoing concern instead of just a mild nuisance.


I'm intrigued and scared at the same time :)


Also made a number of tweaks to the "4 food groups" (more like 3) system I added a couple of releases ago. That one was largely an experiment to see if it would work well, and IMO, it really does. I'm finding it's bringing a lot of interesting considerations to what you eat and when, instead of just downing everything you find as you find it, which is playing nicely off of the overall survival vibe.


I love that system. It's not only sensible, and adds to the gameplay of maintaining (as much as possible) a balanced diet, but it feels less.. "gamey" than the stock system. With the stock system, I tend to just use venison stew as a drink AND food and spam my way to 200...


It's sad that the pimps seem to have effectively removed that anyways, while leaving the poor thematic part in place.


Yep, worst of both worlds. It gives me Everquest flashbacks too, and not in a good way.


I don't have them spawning with regular zombies in BTGB, just as part of night hordes, down in caves (which occurred to me as a cool thematic element giving a hint of explanation as to where they're coming from), as well as being "scouts" (which I don't think I have any control over in the .xmls, which is too bad as I'd like to tweak that aspect some).


Yep! And that all gets a big thumbs up for me, man. Makes 'em special, have a thematic purpose.. All good!


On the bright side though: I'm always sitting in the background taking notes on those decisions I may mistakingly perceive as genius for future use :)


Definitely wise :)


Anyhow, I'm looking forward to the new update. It sounds good, man!

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As an update on that status, I now have two guns. A mid-range pistol, about half durability, and a completely used up hunting rifle. I found the pistol in a bag in the wild..and the rifle more recently... I forget where though.


Luckier in that regard than me then, as I'm on day 22 and haven't found a gun yet. I have a bunch of parts, but no knowledge of how to assemble them :)


In repeated playthroughs, I must say that's one of the thing I really like about how BTGB plays out: you get a very different experience each time depending on the books you find. You have the basic ability to survive indefinitely (albeit highly nomadic) at the start, and everything beyond that is just a bonus. Like in my current playthrough, I have good armor and tools/weapons (if I can ever get back to them ;) ), but lack the ability to make even basic fortifications. It's leading to a playstyle where I'm having to move from building to building as they slowly get destroyed and create small bases all over the place.


Gets you thinking on your feet, and improvising each time you play, which I really like


It was indoors (but might have also been a bag). I just crafted a blunderbuss as well, haven't fired it though.


Oh man, I'm constantly stripping *every* bit of ammo I find to make blunderbuss rounds. Guess you haven't been hanging out in many high-canine biomes, as that thing rules for taking care of them without getting your ankles chewed and pustulant :)


If you have other functioning firearms I can definitely understand why though.

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I love that system. It's not only sensible, and adds to the gameplay of maintaining (as much as possible) a balanced diet, but it feels less.. "gamey" than the stock system. With the stock system, I tend to just use venison stew as a drink AND food and spam my way to 200...


Oh, on this one:


Yeah, that "gaminess" in the vanilla system was largely the motivation for me coming up with that. I saw a thread on how people were exploiting it and started going about trying to plug the various holes.


I seem to have stumbled into a good mechanism for encouraging a balanced diet in survival games in the process, and while it initially started as an experiment I rapidly fell in love with it during play :)


Wish I had a few more varied icons to play with so it was a little more obvious at a glance what you're missing in your diet, and if I had total modding flexibility I'd probably combine all such icons into one buff with different degrees to it to minimize UI clutter, but otherwise, I'm sold on it.

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