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Help on increasing zombie spawning


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Hi - looking for clarification on how spawning is handled in a17.


I'm wanting to really, really ramp up POI spawning, and the amount of zeds walking the streets in a city/town, so looting and scavenging is much more dangerous.


Any help would be much appreciated?

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Everything is handled in the spawning.xml. They commented each section so it is easy to see what you are changing. Towards the middle of the file are the POI spawners. Total alive controls how many can be in that area at one time. And total per wave controls how many will appear. So if you have a total alive of 5 but a total per wave of 10 then 5 will appear and more won't appear until you have a killed one.

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I'm confused as hell. hehe


I adjusted the SPAWNING.XML for biomes and it worked a treat. Cranking those up certainly increases the zeds in the different biomes. Very happy about that.


But cranking up POIs is a different story... i cranked them ALL up to 50 Alive at Once in a Total Wave of 50 just to test to see if it works at all. I found a random POI and went in. One house had a grand total of 1 zombie. The next had 4. The idea I'm trying my best to make happen is the cities especially are teeming with zombies. Loads of them. So you cant go there early game.


Any help would be awesome...

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Those POI spawners in the spawning.xml file aren't in use anymore. Those were for the outdoor zombies attached to each POI prior to the advent of sleepers. For increasing the number of sleepers try the spawners near the top of the gamestages.xml file, like this one here:


<group name="S_-Group_Generic_Zombie" emptyChance="0" decoyChance="0" decoy1hpChance="0">

<spawner name="SleeperGSList" count="5,6"/>



The count is minimum, maximum number of zombies; increase this to some larger numbers and it should work fine.


As far as outdoor zombies, the biome zombies you've found are the only thing going. There aren't any separate spawners for the city or town streets. The zombies in the towns and cities are the exact same biome zombies as the ones walking around the wilderness.

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