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Increasing harvest count in a17


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Hullo folks,


So I play with a small group of friends, short boring background, I'm not a big fan of this game in terms of the cult of zombie fandom. I like to build, as a 10+ veteran of off and on Runescape playing (yeah, I KNOW) and someone who worked in warehouses for many years, I don't mind the repetition of grinding things out in order to feed my building. To me this is minecraft but a compromise with my buddies so I can build things and help them kill critters occasionally. That being said, my biggest objection to "Survival games" is they're just too flippin grindy even for someone like me who grinds things out as a job and as a hobby.


We used to run a dedi server for us on a16 and we had a perk added to the progression xml that I found on the Steam forum someone had suggested, it worked, and it worked well, the following code was added to our file.


<perk name="Scavenger" icon="loot_sack" description_key="Each level in this perk increases your amount of harvest gain." title_key="Scavenger" max_level="4" skill_point_cost_multiplier="1" skill_point_cost_per_level="10" always_fire="true" group="scavenging">
<effect name="HarvestCount">
<add perk_level="1" value="0.5"/>
<add perk_level="2" value="1"/>
<add perk_level="3" value="1.5"/>
<add perk_level="4" value="2"/>


My question is, now that we're running an a17 server, does this STILL work? Also, potentially an easier solution. I know there is now a Motherlode perk, which essentially should at least as I understand it, do roughly the same thing. Although having putting points into it, I still find it quite lacking to meet my goal. Perhaps rather than adding this perk back in addition (provided it will still even work, I haven't tested it yet for fear of breaking something).. Is there a way rather than add this separate perk to increase the efficacy of the now existing Mother Lode perk?


Thanks in advance for ye olde time.

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