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Zombies no longer respawn in homes.


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Los zombis ya no respawn en las casas.


Tras el ultimo parche, al entrar al servidor, volvio a descargar el mapa, pero estaba todo sin perder nada, pero sucedio una cosa curiosa, y es que ya no aparecen zombis dentro de los edificios.


La unica forma que he encontrado para arreglarlo es volver a cargar el prefabricado, y con eso se arregla ese edificio, pero no puedo estar haciendo eso por todo el mapa.


A alguien mas le ha pasado? hay alguna forma de re-cargar los prefabricados como cuando aceptas una mision del comerciante?


Estoy desesperado, pues un apocalipsis zombis sin zombis es aburrido.


Las hordas y misiones de comerciante funcionan bien.






Zombies no longer respawn in homes.


After the last patch, when entering the server, he returned to download the map, but it was all without losing anything, but a curious thing happened, and that is that no zombies appear inside the buildings.


The only way that I have found to fix it is to reload the prefabricated one, and with that the building is fixed, but I can not be doing that for the whole map.


Anyone else has happened? Is there any way to reload prefabricated items like when you accept a merchant mission?


I'm desperate, because a zombie apocalypse without zombies is boring.


Hordes and merchant missions work well.

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I haven't had this happen since a16. Back then the fix was to delete the region files where this was occurring. Same fix should work fine for a17. Just be aware that any player-made structures in the region will be wiped as the area will be reset to like it was when it was first loaded.

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