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ExcludePOICulling and ExcludeDistantPOIMesh Settings for Underground POIs


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I would like to some day finish a complete custom map. I am starting with underground structures such as modular sewer systems and utility tunnels, and perhaps a couple modular cave systems. Since these are underground, I am wondering how I can keep things performance friendly. In particular, what should the following settings be in this case, and why:




I am thinking that I can exclude distant POI meshes because in general, they should not be needed. However, I do not know exactly what happens. If I exclude it, does this mean that it would just not be visible at a distance, or does this mean that it will always render the full POI?


How is this different than "ExcludePOICulling"?


If let's say I happen to create a series of straight tunnels undergound, and I do not have distant meshes, what will it look like at the end of the tunnel where a distant mesh would be? Will I see rock, or I will see a bright light (end of the world)?


EDIT: In the end, I will probably just end up testing these things, but if anyone has some information to guide me and perhaps save me some time, I would greatly appreciate it.

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It turns out that you want to set ExcludePOICulling to TRUE in some cases. It seems to be used for the trader POIs and for signs... probably to make them visible even from a distance.

So, for underground POIs, I am going to assume that setting this to FALSE is the way to go.


I haven't tested ExcludeDistantPOIMesh yet, but for underground POIs, I am going with TRUE

There are a few cave POIs that come with A17 which also have this set to TRUE.

If I understand correctly, setting this to TRUE means that there will not be a distant POI mesh used, and the original won't be rendered either. I can't seem to get good results trying to test this in the PreFab/Level editor. I think I need to actually import 2 versions into a world to really see the difference.

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