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Help understanding Magazine buffs


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I want to mod magazine buffs to ignore level and attribute locks for perks, probably for a shorter duration of course. I would like them to act as a temporary gateway for crafting or achieving tasks for which you don't have the immediate ability to unlock.

My brother and I have boxes full of them because by the time they would be effective, we already have the skill points to unlock them or its a simple task of cranking up the forge and waiting for the screamer horde since perks are relatively cheap to buy once you actually hit the requirements for them.


I'm looking at the buffs.xml and I'm a little confused as to where its making the check and blocking the perk buff or if its something that's hard coded or tucked away somewhere else.

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I'm not at my computer right now. But I have been mixturing with the magazines my self.

If I recall correctly.

The buff on perk gets added when you use the magazine.

But it is the requirements in progression.xml that governs if the perk will be used.

If the requirement isnt met you will see the added perk point as red instead of green.


I dont know if a buff can temporarily change the requirements though.

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