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  1. I was going to point out the same thing concerning the nuclear power mod. Every Working Stiff crate and truck I have looted has had at least one copy of each of the schematics. They also never open the book to show they've been read before. Never thought about it with the survivor notes but they seem to be everywhere at all times. For something that helps you craft the book or schematic you are desperate to find it is nice, but it might also be nice to have to hunt for them a bit more. I'd definitely like it if there was also a way to keep them out of the quest rewards too. 1 survivor note does not equal most of the reward options a quest could possible give. (It was particularly disappointing to complete a quest and get the reward of 2400 Dukes and my choice of survivor note, survivor note, survivor note, or survivor note. LOL)
  2. Wasn't able to say it yesterday with the other thread closed with no redirect in place yet, but I did check the study desk when I got to playing yesterday. The error messages from the drone schematics not being included yet did clear with a restart.
  3. I tried that. The new one also went immediately into the same thing. It's like it remembered. I didn't try closing the game and reopening it so I'll take a look at it sometime tomorrow when I play again to see if that reset it.
  4. So I encountered some kind of bug or something in the study desk. I tried looking to see if I could get the drone and its mods using my survivor notes and after clicking on one of the listed options I got that. Now that box reopens and keeps repeating that red message endlessly every time I open the study desk. The desk also lost its output box and the screen is stuck displaying the build requirements for the drone mod I clicked.
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